TBH, I have a little emergency genny' for when the power goes out and like Stan I would be switching my main incoming breaker off and plugging a 3-pin plugged cable off the genny into my ring main and let it feed back to the bus-bars and all the other circuits. All I need is enough power to run the LED lights and operate the CH pump and controls for the gas-valve. The genny is only 3200 Watt 240v but it ought to run those items OK.
As long as the main breaker is tripped/thrown I can't see a huge problem. Changeover back to mains electrickery means a full shut-down by torchlight as you don't want the incoming mains and the Genny juice to ever meet up anywhere.
We have a gas hob so boiling water is not a problem.
I thought this was a reasonable "emergency" plan.
No, as I said, I would only connect it to the one circuit, the ground floor plug sockets. The mains would be switched off at the main circuit breaker and the fuse to the ring main would be pulled. So in effect I would just have a rather large extension cable running in the walls. It would then power the fridge freezer, the TV the phones and the Hub. I could plug the microwave, or indeed the kettle, but I doubt it could power all that lot at once. It's a 2.5 KW genny so touch and go on a kettle!
And no, I wouldn't be wandering around with a live plug in my hand!
So how nutterish am I on a scale of 1 to 10? (prolly asking for it here!)
Is complete nutter 1 or 10?
... that our fellow P38 sufferer @domlinson has visited and we have had a look at his system with my Nanocom.
No faults presented in the ABS fault log and all sensors showing 2.3/2.29 volts.
The immobilisation issue is a an odd one because in the BeCM the info related to immobilisation is all missing.
No EKA lodged or displayed, a 3 digit (not 4-digit) immobiliser code and no info at all in the key-fob codes section (All numbers missing).
We compared all these things with my P38 directly so the missing bits were a bit obvious.
I think there may have been some "jiggery-pokery" in the past with a key-set or BeCM swapout so the immobilisation has had to be hot-wire bypassed in some way.
I know key fob codes can be recreated by Black-Box. I wonder if Rovacom can help Dom out?
Afternoon folks:).

Well thats me done for the day, Just back from the shop cos had to do a beer run:).
I find that 9:30 till 2ish with only coffee breaks is a full days work for this retired old fart these days:D. Still it was nice outside today in the cool sun.
Bit more to do tomorrow and that will be another job knocked off the list. Might choose a garage job next;), But I bet getting back to the east wing gets chosen for me:oops:.
That's the problem with having reliable cars on the drive I very rarely get to play in the garage:D.


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