No, I CAN weld, (you can't feck around with kit cars without knowing how to weld, at least stick). And i have mig too.
I have welded all sorts of cars, but if W is offering to pay to get some other sucker to weld new sills etc into the Annie i am not going to turn it down!!
I think the term "Bramah" came from some of the first flush bogs.
Well here it is, and i am proud to say he was a Yorkshireman!
Maybe the term isn't so well known outside of Yorkshire!' Some say it has religious,Stainborough near Barnsley in 1748.
and yes it was to do with bogs and a lock!:D:D:D

Haha He looks like my mate Dave. :D
I like them when they crash or sink

How about this one I seen on the way home today.....

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