Driven through countless times, and when you see it on tv you see how big it is. or as a passenger because when you drive it you are more worried about the idiots pulling out of laybys

Cort up wiv licks. Fort eye had ter gerrup to be ready fer todays event starting at 9. Bbc is starting the program at 8.

Eye has hadda lot to do recently so int bin on much. Wuk busy. Me fallin er sheep early. Gottid meself some nice grapes from sainsberrys. Still looking fer me air fryer but they aint in stock. Me nettuls are growing back so eye need ter rehouse em int bin. Bin were emptied this week. Int bin doing much gardening eye filled it wiv bush untillit were too dark to see. Gottid ivy sneekin inter me garden anorl. That discounted plant wiv burnt leefs eye pulled oft has now startid flowering.

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