Mornin. Us wuz kepp wake by they firenwerken till 1, then they blimmin owls did wake I up at 4. Will be owl shooting today I thinks.
Happy New Year all!
Second link is dry use only and more expensive
Me angle grinders are lectric only so won't be using wet cut. Naturally yer would think the cheaper one would clear dust betterer as it has big gaps. But if the more eggspensive one lasts longer then it would be the betterer buy. I plan to cut int stages.
Out of these two 9 inch diamond angle grinder disks... Which one would yer buy to cut through a brick wall made of ere bricks un cement?

I personally would go for the first 1, if you are going to do deep cuts to keep it clean. But have no experience with either.
I use a solid 1 in the tile cutter but that’s “wet” and it seems to last well.

What are you cutting into and what’s wrong with a big ammer :D:)

That’s the last of the carnage from last night loaded in the dishwasher:eek:. But let me tell you we have both been making coffee around it all day:oops:
Sloooowly:rolleyes: plucking up the courage to bend over to unload and load the washer.

But hey it’s only once a year:)

I personally would go for the first 1, if you are going to do deep cuts to keep it clean. But have no experience with either.
I use a solid 1 in the tile cutter but that’s “wet” and it seems to last well.

What are you cutting into and what’s wrong with a big ammer :D:)

Need to cut some bricks out of a wall. Tried ammer and chisel but they won't move so I gave up. Cement is rock ard.
Need to cut some bricks out of a wall. Tried ammer and chisel but they won't move so I gave up. Cement is rock ard.

If it’s not a big area I would definitely go with the cheaper 1. Sounds like you need a neat “ish” hole then.
“Some bricks”?

4x 1.2meter straight cuts

I would imagine that the cheap 1 should manage that. Once you got 3 cuts (2 vertical) you could probably go back with the ammer anyway.What’s the hole for a window?
Cavity wall?

I would imagine that the cheap 1 should manage that. Once you got 3 cuts (2 vertical) you could probably go back with the ammer anyway.What’s the hole for a window?
Cavity wall?

Thanks. Need a door hole made wider.
... it was a gift, but very smoked oak barrel malt whiskey tastes like whiskey that's been swilled in an old ashtray. Bloody awful stuff.

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