I guess yer have to be careful if yer take on a job and they want to know what yer magic is. Yer never know if the job will have a future when the secrets are passed over. That said I think most would want to go for a job like that. I would be interested.

Is the frame home designed and home built or is it a known design? I'm assuming this int a kit car. It's a bits of everything peiced together to his own spec?
He started with the engine, then worked with the Exocet design team for the very modified rolling chassis, stuck the pair together, and blew a few gearboxes and diffs, so redesigned them to take the extra stresses, then blew a few engines, so redesigned and rebuilt it using state of the art materials, and now it is what it is.
His next project will involve Desmodromics to increase the power through not having having to compress the valve springs. I believe that Ducati is helping him out with this.
(Headhitted fro splellin)
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The bird oft ITV news has just said they is going to set oft eight thousand tons of fireworks along the Thames. Board up yer windows if yer live within 200 miles of it. Am hiding under the table tonight.
Twas turkey sandwiches ternite. Well, us ad to start sometime. Any luck be dun by Easter. Them bangers an rocketses be startin zoon, simly, so us buys be under the blankits with dogs for the duration.
I was wondering if any Freelander owners have overalls for repairing their pride and joy. I have some sew on badges for such.


Fekin bangers going oft now. Yer'd think new year was something new. Tis not as if we int had one before.
You're welcome to come an spend the New Year here. I can guarantee no party, no noise, no fireworks, in fact, no light whatsoever, unless the moon comes out and that looks unlikely. It is a very, very dark night outside.:) Altogether, just total peace and quiet.:):):)
You're welcome to come an spend the New Year here. I can guarantee no party, no noise, no fireworks, in fact, no light whatsoever, unless the moon comes out and that looks unlikely. It is a very, very dark night outside.:) Altogether, just total peace and quiet.:):):)

Peas on erf an gudwill to all persons :)))
Dis issa bes fred, an you lot issa nicerest bunch of peeps I ne'er met.
Let's hope 19 dunt end up bein the colossal cock up it's shapin up to be.
Peace, wealth, luck, health, love, success, happiness to you all (even the grumpy ones)... Though, atcherly, happiness always happiness.. :D

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