An I tell you wot. The time my tratter takes a tow offa hippo...


I'll buy the driver a drink, course. .

Is only pukka innit.. :)
You is makin choklits, or the tossers in the telly is?..
Fink yourzud be betterer ;)
They is makin em ont telly.

If ah were to makin em ah wood:

Melt lots of milky bar
Cut up cherry's un drop em in
Spread ont tray
Sprinkle wiv sprinkles
Brake up int bits when gone ard
Ah fell asleep int chair. Ah just woke up. Fink I missed it.

Eyes bin out int street. Am nice but I ain't tickerlarly friendly usually. Young couple had their three month old out. Bonny ickle girl, grandies out too. Was very nice to feel community. Must try betterer...
I can hear peeps outside. Kids kicking ball about int street. FFS tis dark out there. Tis sleep time. Twunts.
I can hear peeps outside. Kids kicking ball about int street. FFS tis dark out there. Tis sleep time. Twunts.

Awww. Go on, get yer jumper out. You is in goal Ippo! Give em a break today, then buy an ARP9 wensdi (Google it, is great fun) an plink the fonk out of em furzdi! Mwaahahaha!
Unnecessary. Unpleasant. Kindly bugger off.
Happy New Year all. Let's all try doing something different, hmm?

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