Thanks. Need a door hole made wider.

Do remeber that if it’s an external wall, brick finish. You will still need to dig out the cut half bricks,as they don’t look good in a door/window reveal as it shows a “frog” and just doesn’t look good. Internal wall no problem, or if it’s external rendered then ok too.

Do remeber that if it’s an external wall, brick finish. You will still need to dig out the cut half bricks,as they don’t look good in a door/window reveal as it shows a “frog” and just doesn’t look good. Internal wall no problem, or if it’s external rendered then ok too.


But he can turn them around and refit ...
Do remeber that if it’s an external wall, brick finish. You will still need to dig out the cut half bricks,as they don’t look good in a door/window reveal as it shows a “frog” and just doesn’t look good. Internal wall no problem, or if it’s external rendered then ok too.

Thanks. It will be hidden out of sight by the door frame.
Mornin all. Us buys be geddun us snouts onter the grindstone. No peas fer the wicked, no cabbage fer the naughty.
I know we gets unwanted ads nowanagin, but tonight's takes the biccie.
UXS Combat Lightsabres? Really?
Cuz they can't be real.. Right?
(we really need a 'oh my god, i Ireally hope so' emoji thingy..) :D
Starting to get cold outside

Yep, defnitly chillier. Weather dolly on telly this mornin said the prevailing winds overt the toppa the world had switched direction. No longer mild an wet, now dry an cold. Glad I had STTs fitted last month. Keep cozy an safe peeps.

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