The atrophy in my legs is a little worrying though, any suggestions on exercises I can do without putting weight on them?
I once had to do exercises that involved putting a weight on a foot then lifting it up to horizontal then back down again. You could try that. but that won't strengthen the muscles on the backs of your legs.
Unless you lie on your front and rig up a pulley on the end of the bench to take a rope and weights, then attach the rope to your ankle and do that same thing but in the other direction.
(Back in the dim and distant past I once used to use a multi-gym that had all sorts.)
Had a storm last night. so had to switch the WiFi off.
Good thing as my posts would have been covered in expletives.
Needless to say the job on W's feckin Pluriel did not go well despite it being exactly the same bit that had broken.
Having done this job twice before and even W remembered, saying "you did it really quickly, last time."
So firstly I struggled to get the mechanism and the windo up to the point where I could take the last bolt out securing the glass to the slider.
Then once off more or less did jewelry work to mend the broken bit ( a piece of nylon- type hard stuff that sits on a spindle and connects to or holds the bit on the end of the wire.) Once made I then tried to refit the two wires. Just couldn't get them to extend out far enough to make it even remotely possible. Ended up taking the motor off then replacing the armature with the worm gear on the end so I could manually extend the wires. Once done I was able to fit the wires etc to the mechanism.
so went to put it back in the car, struggled like feck AGAIN.
So I ended up connecting the plug to the motor so I could use that to move the sliding plate so I could get it into a position to connect the glass to it. When I did that the wires worked in a very weird fashion, they kept on extending madly then retracting madly, without positioning the plate where I wanted it.
All this with a background of heat even though parked more or less in the shade, having to get in and out of the back of the two door car without getting grease on the seats etc.
I got more and more angry as I felt stupid having done it easily twice before. Also to hold the glass etc I could only use one clamp as the back end goes into a wide, curved arched piece of metal. I swore so much the dogs ran away!
In the end I took the wheel off the motor and discovered a rat's nest of wires. Which sort of explained some of it, but I think they were OK at the beginning and it was me feckin around that caused them to bunch up.
So had to make a wooden prop to hold the window up and left it alone. Just put a cover over the car.
This took me all bloody day. So stupid. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Still this a.m. much calmer and realised I should have used a "cup of coffee" moment to think harder about what was going on.
Now ordered two new sets of repair kits, thankfully quite cheap.
What also absolutely baffles me is that when we came over I brought with me the remnants of the repair kit I had used previously, and it contained a bit of wire, which shows that in the past I must have had the drive gear apart yet I have absolutely no recollection of doing this!!
I think I am going senile.:(:(:(
Sunny today but not hot, yet!
Have a nice one folks!!
The atrophy in my legs is a little worrying though, any suggestions on exercises I can do without putting weight on them?
The school I spend the last 25 years of my working life at was Independent and had a system which loaned the use of the pool out on an individual, deserving-case basis during the brief periods when the pupils were not using it, this might be worth exploring.
Arvdernune vrens,
Us boys bin duin owseold main taynance tuday an cuddin kindlin fer necks winder. Us beleaves twill be an ard 'un what wiv fool geddun dearer an moor volkes usin logs. Us bildin nu log stores and recknin on avvin 8 coobik meeters afore October. Runnin beens lukin gude, up tu top uv canes now.
Opin orl buddies on yer be vit an well. At leest wevver be kulin doan a bit.
Afternoon folks:).

Well yep we have got the top up in temps yesterday and today, more to follow tomorrow:).
Was busy with other stuff and left pool cover on yesterday, Took it off today and its a bloody bath 34:eek:. So Shark in and treatment added as there was some small patches of alge showing:mad:.

So planning a couple of hours work outside tomorrow morning starting at around 6am:eek:.

The grass is getting crispy yellow, so no more cutting needed this year we hope:).

About to take the fender to the shop for beer as its F1 tomorrow, I will open the AC flaps in the front and enjoy the rush of air (cold or warm:D).

After an afternoon nap it is now time to start on me weed pulling. Sun is hiding behind the clouds oot the way. Gorra nuvva lupin flowering anorl. Eye need to wuk oot wot to do to help me nu shrub fing to keep it alive. Its leefs are burnt brown around the edges. Thas why it were cheep.

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