The school I spend the last 25 years of my working life at was Independent
Never knew that!!!
Having been to a senior public school that was absolutely sh!te and being a bit of a leftie, I swore I would only ever work in a state comprehensive.
Which I did.
But quite a few of my department colleagues ended up in the private sector, bar one staunch and tough Spanish lady.
Afternoon folks:).

Well yep we have got the top up in temps yesterday and today, more to follow tomorrow:).
Was busy with other stuff and left pool cover on yesterday, Took it off today and its a bloody bath 34:eek:. So Shark in and treatment added as there was some small patches of alge showing:mad:.

So planning a couple of hours work outside tomorrow morning starting at around 6am:eek:.

The grass is getting crispy yellow, so no more cutting needed this year we hope:).

About to take the fender to the shop for beer as its F1 tomorrow, I will open the AC flaps in the front and enjoy the rush of air (cold or warm:D).

What colour is the algae? As I have two friends who suffer with it.
And what is your solution?
We don't seem to get it but then our pool is usually cooler than others.
What colour is the algae? As I have two friends who suffer with it.
And what is your solution?
We don't seem to get it but then our pool is usually cooler than others.

Scrub it, send in the shark and chlorine shock, an extra hour on the pump cycle and backwash filter a few times, hopefully will sort it in a day or 2.

Plus, I have been a bit lax on the testing after we topped up the pool and the heat has eaten the chlorine, then the bath temps have added to the issue.
PH was high, chlorine low and temp high, so not good. We suffered with it a few years ago and we still think the spores are deep in the tile gaps/grout so will grow quick giving the chance. So as much as I hate to we have added some chemicals to get it back in line.

To be honest I think it was laziness on my part;).

Scrub it, send in the shark and chlorine shock, an extra hour on the pump cycle and backwash filter a few times, hopefully will sort it in a day or 2.

Plus, I have been a bit lax on the testing after we topped up the pool and the heat has eaten the chlorine, then the bath temps have added to the issue.
PH was high, chlorine low and temp high, so not good. We suffered with it a few years ago and we still think the spores are deep in the tile gaps/grout so will grow quick giving the chance. So as much as I hate to we have added some chemicals to get it back in line.

To be honest I think it was laziness on my part;).

Yep well the two peeps I know with it also have green algae. And like you I think it is down to higher temps.
I think you are right to shock it with a chlorine dump. I have only ever had to do this once. I find once the amount of salt is right the Ph looks after itself , also I learned that the chemical testing kit I use, the chemicals go off after a while so you cannot trust them. I test for salt with the strips and ph and chlorine /bromine with a liquid testing kit and it is the two colour indicators in this that can go off. As our pool is basically a plassy one there are no grout joints to harbour the nasties.
One of the two peeps I think has the same or else it is concrete, and the other guy, I have never seen his pool.
If you like I could send you the link I sent him which he appreciated as it is pretty comprehensive.
Let me know if you still have a problem.
Scrub it, send in the shark and chlorine shock, an extra hour on the pump cycle and backwash filter a few times, hopefully will sort it in a day or 2.

Plus, I have been a bit lax on the testing after we topped up the pool and the heat has eaten the chlorine, then the bath temps have added to the issue.
PH was high, chlorine low and temp high, so not good. We suffered with it a few years ago and we still think the spores are deep in the tile gaps/grout so will grow quick giving the chance. So as much as I hate to we have added some chemicals to get it back in line.

To be honest I think it was laziness on my part;).

TBH I don't think filtering it is a solution and you would be better off sending the filtered stuff off to waste rather than recycling it back as the sand won't stop it.
I'll find the link and put it up for you.
I know it doesn't deal directly with a salt water pool but i think the basic principles are the same.
Gottid most ov me weeding done. Dint need me coat but the wind startid blowing when eye gave up un sprayed killer on the last bit by me wall un cassul. Me finking is to kill the weeds un grass ere so eye can jet wash clean oot the gaps then fillit wiv stuff that sets ard. This will be me trial patch to see iffit stops weed.
....and in today's disappointing news....
The fire-basket of the smoker has cracked. :eek:
First actual cook on it too! :(
I proof-fired the thing (as directed) when I first got it and it had no problems.
This morning, 20 minutes after lighting there was a loud "clonk" and I can see a jagged crack where the basket/pot has just split. :(
3 Year warranty will be called upon on Monday. :mad:

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