3 & 1/2 Hrs cooking so far.......

Coming along nicely I think.
Afternoon folks:).

Yes I did get out early after my second cuppa:).
So more chlorine shock and scrubbing, Shark has been in and done 3 cycles with filter cleaning each time.
I would post pics of the filters but some maybe eating:eek: Safe to say most here will remember the contents of nappies:D.
Did a backwash this morning and will do another when pump goes off.
Looking swimable now:D.

So apart from the first few hours the rest of the day has been spent spending no more than 20mins outside its wam and I am not complaining.
Getting ready for the F1 now:).

Gottid most ov me weeding done. Dint need me coat but the wind startid blowing when eye gave up un sprayed killer on the last bit by me wall un cassul. Me finking is to kill the weeds un grass ere so eye can jet wash clean oot the gaps then fillit wiv stuff that sets ard. This will be me trial patch to see iffit stops weed.
As you know, I have been doing this around our pool where the slabs all touch yet weeds still grow out from between them. Weedkiller doesn't do it all for us and we have to do it every year then spend ages trying to dig the roots out.
So this year we have weeded then I have rammed all weed roots down into the ground below, then put the jointing sand in, rammed that down too, then watered it carefully so that eventually it sets hard as concrete. This work has taken us weeks and I still have one side of the pool to do. And the sand is expensive at €59 for a 25 kg bag.
So the very best of luck with this as it isn't fun!:rolleyes:
TBH I don't think filtering it is a solution and you would be better off sending the filtered stuff off to waste rather than recycling it back as the sand won't stop it.
I'll find the link and put it up for you.
I know it doesn't deal directly with a salt water pool but i think the basic principles are the same.

Cheers Stan but its pretty much what we are doing, and winning.
As the shark picks up stuff that would normally be hoovered so doesn't make it to the filter we have less contamination.
Agree with the test kits, we always get a new set of fluid each year. We test salt with a meter.

....and in today's disappointing news....
The fire-basket of the smoker has cracked. :eek:
First actual cook on it too! :(
I proof-fired the thing (as directed) when I first got it and it had no problems.
This morning, 20 minutes after lighting there was a loud "clonk" and I can see a jagged crack where the basket/pot has just split. :(
3 Year warranty will be called upon on Monday. :mad:
So sorry mate, that is a right fooker. Cross fingers they sort you out!:(:(:(:(
Was finkin abowt yer dylemma ov avvin one two menny muts fer yer boot. Av yer gorra roof rack? Or cud yer fold the seats down un make er gate fing to fence them int? Be er shame ter lose the bestist 4x4 int whirl evva ferra mut too meny.
Our three never travel in the boot. We put proper harnesses on them and fasten those to the seat belts. They have a special dog bed thing W made which is of an old duvet covered in towels sewn on and it fits around the seat belt buckles etc.
They can see us and hear us at all times, they fight to get their harnesses on and in the Landy. Then they fall asleep.
AND it is all legal.
We travel up and down France like this with the boot rammed full of other stuff.;)
Put me rivnuts in me cross member, for the noo mudflap brackets, this morning. And put the second coat of black on. Not looking great though, paint is too draggy for a brush. Gonna have to give it a light rub down and a third coat if I want it to look flash. But probably live with it. Still, it should stay rust free for a few decades :). Next up - waxoyl for the inside bits.
Cheers Stan but its pretty much what we are doing, and winning.
As the shark picks up stuff that would normally be hoovered so doesn't make it to the filter we have less contamination.
Agree with the test kits, we always get a new set of fluid each year. We test salt with a meter.

I'm sure it's the heat that does it. And maybe having it open so much that the "chlor" gets lifted out and off.
Dunno if we are just lucky or what but I generally only test at the beginning of the season and end up putting two or possibly three bags of salt in to replace that left due to rainwater getting in over the winter. Can 't remember the last time I put Ph+ or Ph- in. But it may be because our tapwater is slightly negative ph and that is what I top it up with after the first clean out, if I couldn't just use the pump to suck the cr@p out up the brush and tube thing and send it to waste.
Now the fancy computer driven stuff has given up the ghost I put the electrolyser on whenever the pump is on until I can smell the chlor is up to snuff, or I test it, then I leave it off until the smell tells me it needs it again. Are the salt meters expensive? Cos the test strips ain't cheap!:eek:
Anyway, glad to hear it is coming straight!:):):)
Gave Dad his lunch and for dessert clotted cream rice pud ... he was a happy bunny ...

Then did a detour on the way home to deliver a baby cot to my good Nepali friend Gyan, as he is a new proud Grandpa and my little Granddaughter has outgrown it ...


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