MOrning All :D
Late on parade, slept in. :)
The Granny-Farm 2 doors down has a new inmate.
"Wailing & help me, help me" non-stop all day yesterday; and they started up again at 7:30 this morning. :(
Can't sit out in my own garden because...well because it is distressing to hear. I imagine it is also distressing for the poor soul doing all the wailing and yelling too.
Nothing one can do, very unpleasant. :( Dementia is awful and cases are on the rise, as we are living longer I suppose it is logical that more of us go mad in stead of dropping dead.
Anyway, have a good day. :D

Well up and nearly finished brekfuss.
Going to have to make a start soon on gutting the back of the Pluriel to fix the windys.
Think I'll photograph it all and put it up on the Citroen Pluriel website.
Just wondering if I'll have two original bits of sh!t plastic so I could mend one then work out how to make summat else to fix the other.
That is, of course, if it is the bits of plastic that have gone and not summat else.
Gonna be about 32 degs today.:rolleyes:
Have a nice one peeps.

August forecast is tres warm too ...
You can get fuel stabilisers that allegedly make the fuel last longer but i don't know how good they are, but I'm not sure it would help here as it's not removing the ethanol which i think is evaporating quicker in the hot engine

It may be mucking about with the balance of water in the fluid as this can condense overnight ...

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