It seems I spoke too soon, the docs just called and decided they can't sort it and I need to go in for an IV
I will let you know how it goes!
Sorry to hear it mate. :(
It might be a short stay though and an IV is minimally invasive, probably be bored to tears.
Any chance they can plumb you in and then let you go home with a stand and the drip?
They gave me 3 IV infusions of vitamins when I was last in (30 mins each pack) the rest of the time was just boredom. :(
Hope it all goes OK. :)
Does said plot have access to a road? or is it across your land?

It has full access to a road. It could be rented out as a field for instance except it is not classed as agricultural.
I have started looking into what we could do with it, even if just handing it over to the council we could reduce our local taxes, but it is like wading in treacle and so often the equivalent of Guv .fr just says, "consult your local tax office".
you wouldn't believe how complex local taxes are, for a kick off there are two types, and no one i know really understands them. I have just discovered that we should have told them we put a polytunnel up. Oops! I bet the tax would make it not worthwhile growing your own veg. They even tax you on a carport and they even CALL it a "carport".
So they could come up here to inspect the land we don't want and stick us for tax on the polytunnel.:(:(:(
you wouldn't believe how complex local taxes are

Oh dont we;).
But here if it has access to a built up road, according to the plot as per the municipality plans then it is "regulated" which means they have to supply services (you pay of course).

So they could come up here to inspect the land we don't want and stick us for tax on the polytunnel.:(:(:(

So be carefull who you call, ( do they have a bad eye if a 50euro pops up);).

Feel for you though.:).

Oh dont we;).
But here if it has access to a built up road, according to the plot as per the municipality plans then it is "regulated" which means they have to supply services (you pay of course).

So be carefull who you call, ( do they have a bad eye if a 50euro pops up);).

Feel for you though.:).

You wouldn't believe our sh!t luck when it came to services.
Had been a farmer's field but he had already sold the bottom part of it off to a bloke some time ago. So he said "You have all of it or some of it, choose whatever you want". so we choose a triangular bit right at the top which retained most of the views but was flatter and obvs we'd only ever have neighbours one side.
Water? In the road.
Telephone? In the road.
Sewage? Well you can DIY or connect to the mains drains, down there, Agent points done to a spot 250 metres away.
Electric? Not in the road, although matey at the bottom has it.
So that too has to come through from "down there", but you will have access to all the land above it should you need to repair it or whatever, written into the contract.
So our contingency fund goes up in smoke, or rather gets to pay for electric and sewage.
So we put the house at the North western end of the land, and the pool at the south western. All hunky dory.
After a while we realise it'll be a while before we build a "hangar" or whatever for me to play on cars in etc. Which was the original idea for the north eastern corner. So we fence it off and let a neighbour put his donkeys on it.
After a while we think, "We're never going to need it all, why not sell most of it and keep just a bit for the "Hangar?".
So this year we are set on this, and start to look around us. We even know of a bloke who might want to buy it as he has said so to a neighbour we trust. So all seemed positive until we learned that the gubmint/EDF have changed the rules and they will only give you electric if there is already electric within 35 metres of the property. Which there isn't. In fact the new neighbour was very lucky to get it, as the village footy stadium across the road had its electric uprated last year, and they took it from the same transformer as serves us, i.e. 250 metres away, by going along the hedge of another plot. but now this is no longer allowed.
Sh!t, missed it by a year!!!
I am beginning to think the farmer put a spell on this field.:eek::eek:
Ist plot he sold out of it, to neighbour at bottom. They since divorced, had to sell up.:(:(
2nd plot bought by an ex-para, who trained around here and fell in love with the place. He moved his family down here from Paris, his wife had the heck of a job getting herself "muté" to a position in a primary school here. Said blokey then gets killed in a motorbike accident.:(:(
Third plot, the one next to ours, bought by a couple of lesbians. big girls who start a self-build. Then they they split up. :(:(
Years later they have just sold it to our new neighbours.
And our is the last plot!
So what else is going to happen to us? We wonder!:eek::eek:
You wouldn't believe our sh!t luck when it came to services.
Had been a farmer's field but he had already sold the bottom part of it off to a bloke some time ago. So he said "You have all of it or some of it, choose whatever you want". so we choose a triangular bit right at the top which retained most of the views but was flatter and obvs we'd only ever have neighbours one side.
Water? In the road.
Telephone? In the road.
Sewage? Well you can DIY or connect to the mains drains, down there, Agent points done to a spot 250 metres away.
Electric? Not in the road, although matey at the bottom has it.
So that too has to come through from "down there", but you will have access to all the land above it should you need to repair it or whatever, written into the contract.
So our contingency fund goes up in smoke, or rather gets to pay for electric and sewage.
So we put the house at the North western end of the land, and the pool at the south western. All hunky dory.
After a while we realise it'll be a while before we build a "hangar" or whatever for me to play on cars in etc. Which was the original idea for the north eastern corner. So we fence it off and let a neighbour put his donkeys on it.
After a while we think, "We're never going to need it all, why not sell most of it and keep just a bit for the "Hangar?".
So this year we are set on this, and start to look around us. We even know of a bloke who might want to buy it as he has said so to a neighbour we trust. So all seemed positive until we learned that the gubmint/EDF have changed the rules and they will only give you electric if there is already electric within 35 metres of the property. Which there isn't. In fact the new neighbour was very lucky to get it, as the village footy stadium across the road had its electric uprated last year, and they took it from the same transformer as serves us, i.e. 250 metres away, by going along the hedge of another plot. but now this is no longer allowed.
Sh!t, missed it by a year!!!
I am beginning to think the farmer put a spell on this field.:eek::eek:
Ist plot he sold out of it, to neighbour at bottom. They since divorced, had to sell up.:(:(
2nd plot bought by an ex-para, who trained around here and fell in love with the place. He moved his family down here from Paris, his wife had the heck of a job getting herself "muté" to a position in a primary school here. Said blokey then gets killed in a motorbike accident.:(:(
Third plot, the one next to ours, bought by a couple of lesbians. big girls who start a self-build. Then they they split up. :(:(
Years later they have just sold it to our new neighbours.
And our is the last plot!
So what else is going to happen to us? We wonder!:eek::eek:

Can't you put the cars in the house and live in a tent in the garden? I've seen it done, both in real life and in a children's comic. An idyllic existence for the motor enthusiast.
Cheers Dan, I am off work and probably won't return. It's been fun but it's time to retire again!
It took me a few goes before finally retiring for the last time. After a couple of practice runs and then moving back oop north, I got stuck into renovating my noo Wimblowdriver Towers. It was supposed to take me six months and then look for a job - maybe. Five years later ------ sod it, that's enough, givvus me penshun :D.
I have a mobike which suffered a major crankshaft failure in 2004. I got round to rebuilding the motor in 2012. But didn't finish the job :rolleyes:. So it has sat forlorn at the back of the garage hidden under a dust sheet for a long time. I got it out into the sunlight this afternoon and washed the years of muck away - there is still a bike under the muck :). And started to polish the chrome bits. All still shiny. And I know where most of the bits are to put it all back together. Bit between the teeth now, determined to get it up and running again. Its a 1967 Triumph Daytona 500. :D
...that I have been so p!ssed off that I have cleaned the kitchen.
So what? I hear you all say.
This. When i clean a car it takes me three days minimum and I more or less do it all with a toothbrush.
Ditto nearly with a kitchen.
If I get angry or really depressed it is what I do.
The therapy is the sight of the black granite worktops and the SS sink gleaming like new afterwards. Wifey, give her her due, had already spent most of the morning cleaning the hob, which is something she does to make it look brand new, so I couldn't let her down now could I?
We all have our weirdnesses, this is mine!!:):):)
Morning all.
Mist has cleared up but is still cloudy and cool.
Spent the past 1 hour 45 minutes trying to sort out deliveries.
Feckin ebay sent me an email saying they need more info about the address or summat, but refuse to acknowledge that I have bought the object. (ATF temp sensor for the Disco from JGS-4x4, who themselves can't help either!:()
The ebay site STINKS to high heaven. totally designed to be no help at all.
and the phone number is perpetually engaged.
So I have modified the delivery address a bit.
Wondering why so many idiots cannot find our address, it ain't that difficult and others find it.
Mind you just discovered yessdi that we now have a number on our road!!!
The commune is paying a woman to go round giving all streets, roads, lanes etc names, where they don't have one, ( a surprising amount don't for instance the road our electric meter is on!)
AND she is giving numbers to those who don't have them, like us!
But even with a number some drivers cannot find their asshole without a map.
Rant over.
Must now get W up and have some brekker!
Have a nice day folks!
And @DanClarke to help supress a tickly cough, take paracetomol or some such, it calms the cough reflex. Most alleged "cough mixtures" don't do much at all. (Words from my Ma the doc, who was right about some things medical.);)

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