....that I really do not understand how it is that...
I have spent over a year struggling with constant pain and general weakness due to the dislocation in my neck.
Rotation of my head/neck L-R/R-L and in a circle has produced some lovely 'stirring grit in a bucket' sounds in my head.
Waking up with dead forearms & fingers in the night every night.
1 year of Chiropractic manipulation and still the same. :(
But I go on a camping holiday for a week or so and I hardly ever got the numbness occurring (only felt it the once and even then not very severely).
And that is sleeping on the hard ground in a tiny 1-man tent and with a silly little camping pillow under my head.
Maybe it was just "time" to heal, maybe it will all come back with a vengeance, maybe I'm a raving lunatic, but the upper back feels "better" at last. :D
....that I really do not understand how it is that...
I have spent over a year struggling with constant pain and general weakness due to the dislocation in my neck.
Rotation of my head/neck L-R/R-L and in a circle has produced some lovely 'stirring grit in a bucket' sounds in my head.
Waking up with dead forearms & fingers in the night every night.
1 year of Chiropractic manipulation and still the same. :(
But I go on a camping holiday for a week or so and I hardly ever got the numbness occurring (only felt it the once and even then not very severely).
And that is sleeping on the hard ground in a tiny 1-man tent and with a silly little camping pillow under my head.
Maybe it was just "time" to heal, maybe it will all come back with a vengeance, maybe I'm a raving lunatic, but the upper back feels "better" at last. :D
Try sleeping on yer bedroom floor with said camping pillow. See iffit works. Put yer lycra on anorl.
And that is sleeping on the hard ground in a tiny 1-man tent and with a silly little camping pillow under my head.

That may well be the answer.
W and I have to be very careful about the beds we buy, both having neck and back problems.
Why not try sleeping on the floor with the tiny pillow at home?
I once had a bed so bad when in a student hostel that I had to sleep on the floor, did that for a year. Only way of not making my back worse and I was only 24 at the time!
Best of luck with it!
....have just received an email from JGS-4x4 saying they have "done some more digging" and they have been able to tell me the name of the delivery company and numbers etc. They HAD in fact contacted us but there was no link whatsoever between them and eBay. and we are expecting other deliveries. So we thought it was another one.
So big relief all round we now know it'll be delivered on Tuesday, or French Tuesday i.e. any day after Tuesday!
So hats off to JGS-4x4 and a big "up yours" to feckin eBay, what a shower!!!

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