Morning All :D
Just had a call with my cycle touring mate (Mr. "Grumpy-Pants"). :(
Yes, I was ill, yes I kept him awake all night on the boat back, yes he was tired and falling asleep at the wheel on his 4-hour drive home.:eek:
But I don't see why it has to be so "personal", it's not like I was ill just to upset him. LOL :rolleyes:
Never mind, all things pass including gripes and niggles. Life is all too short for such things. :D
Afternoon folks:).

So got up a Midnight only to find they had been delayed 2 1/2hrs:(. Anyway all back at the house at 6am, All the ladies took to their beds for some sleep:). couple of hrs on the couch for me listening to the news:).

So now they have all gone out to do stuff, I will get a skinny dip in very soon:).
When they get back we are off down to the eatery as nobody is in the mood to decide or cook, as its 10mins down the road its an easy choice to make:).

Bit depressed at the mo.:(
Went into town to talk to the "urbanisme" people about the neighbours' plans. Turns out they have built an entirely different roof than they said they would and they allegedly had no plans for a garage. But he has told me "We need to talk about the "hangar" I am going to put up as it will be right on our fence line."
("Hangar" means big garage small barn type thing.)
So I mentioned this to them and they said they had no idea about this and it wouldn't get planning.
BUT at the same time I talked to them about the piece of land we want to sell off as building land, and, to cut a long story short, it appears we will not be able to sell it because.........EDF won't take electricity to it.
But we can put whatever we want on it. As long as it is for us.
You cannot get outline planning if you cannot connect to electricity, even if you want to live off grid. EDF and other services are no longer allowed to put services in by digging a trench across people's land.
This is all part of the govts drive to limit urbanisation. i.e they are sort of creating green belts everywhere by just making it more and more difficult to make land into certified building land.
But obvs we will still have to pay tax on it, even if we don't use it, fence it off etc etc.
We are now strongly considering our cr@ppy options.
Meanwhile we will fill in the forms requesting a "cerificat d'urbanisme" for our place which will involve EDF making a pronouncement of some sort. Haven't looked all through the forms yet nor Googled "What does a Certificat d'urbanisme give you the right to do. ?"
All a bit poop really. We had plans for that money!
Couldn't even build a place on it and rent it out.:(
Anyway, have a good day folks!

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