I dont need a calendar, aslong as I know you need to pickup (me/us) then send the phone a date and it will tell me when, if its not got a flat battery;)

I am sure we have discussed this before, we use a summer cover, which is basically heavy duty bubble wrap. if we are out it stays covered, if we are busy it stays covered till later in the day, cover it at night, it soon warms up:)

Know that sentence well:rolleyes:.

keep plugging away mate:).

Must look into the bubble wrap. Friends of ours have it but they say it is to prevent condensation and the lowering of the level when they are away. But if it heats the thing up, that'd be great!!
Oh and yes the deer came in last night, so early we got pics of them in colour on the trail camera. Us having repositioned it about 90 degs to the left.
View attachment 268328

Cheeky fecker!!

there were also weird pics taken during the night obvs in b/w and we have no idea what triggered them!
View attachment 268329

We've blown them up a bit and gone through them until we felt like UFO hunters!
Might have to alter the setting on the camera to take a pic faster.
Stepson sent us pics of his allotment on the outskirts of Paris which has been devastated by boar. Poor lad! (He's only 49 till August!) So it could be worse!!
I've got four trail cameras out and I have to be very careful where I place them because the slightest movement of leaves etc. triggers action. From one camera I got 22,147 pictures in just 5 days!!!
I've got four trail cameras out and I have to be very careful where I place them because the slightest movement of leaves etc. triggers action. From one camera I got 22,147 pictures in just 5 days!!!
There are all sorts of options in the setup part of the thing. At the mo we only get about 7 pics per night so I think we ought to make it just a bit more fast acting on taking a pic after it has sensed something. Life is a compromise!
There are all sorts of options in the setup part of the thing. At the mo we only get about 7 pics per night so I think we ought to make it just a bit more fast acting on taking a pic after it has sensed something. Life is a compromise!
Same with mine but I have some of them set to take 8 pics at .2 seconds interval with every trigger so when a leaf movement is caught then off it goes - and goes - and goes! And the lithium batteries don't last for much more than a week. My latest Bushnell is solar powered and only goes to batteries if it runs out of power. :)
Eye has been busy wukkin this week and fergettid about wasting wuk time on ere. Free lunch at wuk today. Tippin bleach down me ant holes int stopped the fekers. Edgar ses hello. E's reading a book on keplers laws of plant-er-tree motion. Only looks at the pictures. E's comparing them to the sky whennit gets dark.
Oh and yes the deer came in last night, so early we got pics of them in colour on the trail camera. Us having repositioned it about 90 degs to the left.
View attachment 268328

Cheeky fecker!!

there were also weird pics taken during the night obvs in b/w and we have no idea what triggered them!
View attachment 268329

We've blown them up a bit and gone through them until we felt like UFO hunters!
Might have to alter the setting on the camera to take a pic faster.
Stepson sent us pics of his allotment on the outskirts of Paris which has been devastated by boar. Poor lad! (He's only 49 till August!) So it could be worse!!
If a fly gets close to the sensor it can set it oft. The fly will have gone then. Eye get triggers wiv nowt there. Sometimes burds set mine oft. They swoop down to land oot of shot, but trigger it as they swoop past. Once had a spider absail down the front of my camera.
If a fly gets close to the sensor it can set it oft. The fly will have gone then. Eye get triggers wiv nowt there. Sometimes burds set mine oft. They swoop down to land oot of shot, but trigger it as they swoop past. Once had a spider absail down the front of my camera.
I think my funniest piccy was an infra-red one of a large barn owl who landed on a fence rail (which was immediatly ahead of the camera) with his back to the camera and stayed there for a very long time blocking the entire view!
Misty as heck here.
We are expecting two packages at least today so someone has to stay in to receive them.
You can get them delivered to a "Point Relai" in the town but it's a pain going down there and sometimes you go there and they don't have it!
Friends of ours had this happen to them and they refused to reimburse them for it until they got "it" back which of course they never did. Mad!
so we don't do that.
Enjoy your days, peeps. (That means one each, not what is the rest of your life, although you can enjoy that too. Er, I'd better shut up now!!)

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