Afternoon folks:).

So Ms travel home was not as easy as it should have been:(.
Wizz cancelled Sunday.
So flight booked out of LHR for Monday afternoon with a transfer in Cologne, Nope missed the transfer:(.
So they rebooked Her from Frankfurt at 05:00, Train for M:).
Phone call this morning "I am boarding":):):) finally home at 10am:D
Anyway the life of an EU traveler at the moment is not fun, airports allover seem to be way understaffed.

So now sat relaxing trying to get to a normal bedtime:).

Afternoon folks:).

So Ms travel home was not as easy as it should have been:(.
Wizz cancelled Sunday.
So flight booked out of LHR for Monday afternoon with a transfer in Cologne, Nope missed the transfer:(.
So they rebooked Her from Frankfurt at 05:00, Train for M:).
Phone call this morning "I am boarding":):):) finally home at 10am:D
Anyway the life of an EU traveler at the moment is not fun, airports allover seem to be way understaffed.

So now sat relaxing trying to get to a normal bedtime:).

Glad she's back safe and sound, if tired. No fun.
I have had a load of tests and will know the results tomorrow. They will make the decision in the morning.
Luckily you reported to your doc quickly so they will get on top of it and you will be 'back in action' very soon.
That is not quite correct, I have had the infection for around 3 weeks and should have sorted it sooner. My wife is very annoyed with me. I have brought it on myself and probably damaged my already suffering liver as a result :(
I have had a load of tests and will know the results tomorrow. They will make the decision in the morning.

That is not quite correct, I have had the infection for around 3 weeks and should have sorted it sooner. My wife is very annoyed with me. I have brought it on myself and probably damaged my already suffering liver as a result :(
Only liking this cos it's the roolz.
Men are bad at going to the docs, unless the problem is with their eyes or their wedding tackle, so I have heard.
So have you been boozing to damage your liver?
(Only joking!)
I would just like to say that I am..........fecking knackered.
Taking up slabs, trying to adjust the sandy base below them ready to accept concrete and mesh so I can then relay the slabs so they'll stay flat.
This is around the pool so particularly important to get them all flush with the surrounding ones.
I am NOT a buildery/groundworks type of bloke. I don't mind much else in DIY, well maybe plumberin, but I'd rather spend a month doing that than trying to get a surface flat and level. specially when the area is only(!) 7 slabs long and 2 slabs wide, not mentioning the odd little bits of slab that go under the pool edging thingys. I do three dimensions quite well above ground where I can use the tools anyone else would use, but on the ground? Grrr!
Back aches, knees are sore, eyes gummy, (why?).
I'm sure if i did it more regularly I wouldn't be complaining so much.
Now, having put the weed barrier down I have to calculate how much concrete to put down to leave enough room for the slabs so they'll be flush with the ones either side. The bag gives the amount in litres. WTF?
I guess I'll just have to some back of a fag packet calculations on the volume of the hole, minus the volume of the slabs , then get mixing.
But I don't smoke!
I'll be putting some mesh down too.
We now think it isn't a stream that has caused the slabs to sink but a feckin mole, or his/her family.
But I am not doing this job a third time. Last time I just filled it up with gravel and more sand look how that went!
It is going to rain a bit over then next coupla days so I will not be rushing to finish it!
Sleep tight folks!

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