today I think I shall identify as a gay black female muslim transgender person and be sufficiently woke to believe being vegan isnt good enough, I shall mostly eat nothing that doesnt consent to be slaughtered and consumed, including but not limited to carrots, grass or tea-leaves.
Be easier self alining wiv da lycra clad bicyclists lot if yer wants soecial tweetmint.
Well today has gone very well so far.:):)
Hot as anything. 26 degs C in the house on arising, now at 28 odd, and that is in the downstairs hall, the coolest part of the place. :eek:
Went to t'market and shopped then to Leclerc then to see our Dutch friends who have finally more or less moved all their stuff into their noo abode. Nice to see them settling in.;)
Then back home for a big drink and a read of the paper.
Then to the pool which I cleaned, well the bottom and most of the side bit, watter at 25 degs so a lovely swim, two 25 kg bags of salt in and let it run for 24 hrs. :):)
The stuff we put into a trial patch of slabs to joint them, as per advice on 'ere has gone off boootiful so W is very happy. :):):):):):)
We'll be going like stink to get it all done afore the weekend, or Sunday, and I think we'll invite said Dutchies to a barbie and pool do, cos they miss the pool they used to have.:):):)
Have a good evening folks!
Wot stuff did yet get in the end? Eye is still eyeing it up but eye is lookin ter get jointing sand which is basically kiln dried sand wuvva compound to make it go ard and a few uvva chemicals. The betterer stuff is said not to stain the slabs like cenent products wood.
27.1 degs C inside the house, 35 in the shade.
We got up early and got back on the job of jointing the slabs while Wifey carried on with the in depth weeding. Did more than yessdi but my back doesn't like me either sitting on the floor or kneeling to do this sort of work. So came in a little while back. Will stay in for a few hours then go back out to get more done. slow job as we hadn't heard of this jointing sand stuff until peeps on here put us onto it. If we'd known I'd have followed her around doing the jointing as she did the weeding, as it is I now have to clear the joints of cr@p and new weeds as i go along.
Still progress is being made and if we never have to do this again, i.e. weed around the slabs around the pool, we will dance like nutters!!!:):):)
enjoy your day folks!
27.1 degs C inside the house, 35 in the shade.
We got up early and got back on the job of jointing the slabs while Wifey carried on with the in depth weeding. Did more than yessdi but my back doesn't like me either sitting on the floor or kneeling to do this sort of work. So came in a little while back. Will stay in for a few hours then go back out to get more done. slow job as we hadn't heard of this jointing sand stuff until peeps on here put us onto it. If we'd known I'd have followed her around doing the jointing as she did the weeding, as it is I now have to clear the joints of cr@p and new weeds as i go along.
Still progress is being made and if we never have to do this again, i.e. weed around the slabs around the pool, we will dance like nutters!!!:):):)
enjoy your day folks!
15 degrees and raining here, just how I like it :D
Wot stuff did yet get in the end? Eye is still eyeing it up but eye is lookin ter get jointing sand which is basically kiln dried sand wuvva compound to make it go ard and a few uvva chemicals. The betterer stuff is said not to stain the slabs like cenent products wood.
We got some stuff which I suspect is German, I'll have a look.
This is it, and it's gone up a coupla €s since we got ours! Once gone off it matches the slabs we already have and they are a mix of colours anyway as they are specially made to go round pools. so the top surface is rough as if it had quite coarse sand mixed up with it. So you don't slip with wet feet.
We have neighbours who bought allegedly special pool slabs and they are so slippery it is unbelievable. They have to put towels on them to stop peeps falling over, especially their grandchildren. I nearly fell over once and I knew about them. so wrong!
Where are the slabs you are going to be jointing and what colour are they/do they look like?
We got some stuff which I suspect is German, I'll have a look.
This is it, and it's gone up a coupla €s since we got ours! Once gone off it matches the slabs we already have and they are a mix of colours anyway as they are specially made to go round pools. so the top surface is rough as if it had quite coarse sand mixed up with it. So you don't slip with wet feet.
We have neighbours who bought allegedly special pool slabs and they are so slippery it is unbelievable. They have to put towels on them to stop peeps falling over, especially their grandchildren. I nearly fell over once and I knew about them. so wrong!
Where are the slabs you are going to be jointing and what colour are they/do they look like?
I'm lookin to do me block paved drive wivvit to stop weeds growing and ants pullin oot the sand below the bricks. Yer have ter get the weed roots oot anorl before puttin stuff in. Me blocks are close together so kiln dried sand is normally used as the gap is very narrow. Eye made the mistake of cleaning oot the moss from the v shape in the blocks above the gaps. Weeds then gorrin. This year has now seen far more weeds than normal. Probably 4 times past years. Eye have only known about the jointing sand ferra few weeks. Ma hoppo has made the drive uneven so eye has gorra lift some bricks and level them first.

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