Well the trip went well, I used the access mode and they both got in and out ok. Then we got back to their place and the damn thing stuck in 'motorway' mode and would not release. Mum struggled to get out but we managed in the end!
Altogether a great lunchtime spent with them. Dad got a little confused and wanted to go home but we were done by then so not too much of a trial.

Did you have the inhibit button pushed to keep it at motorway? as I am pretty sure your last part of the journey should have giving it time to come up to normal.
Or did somebody open a door too early before it had gone down to access.

So you think pure cement will hold do you?
You can tell I'm not a bricky type person!
The reason I say that is because to me cement is just one ingredient in concrete although I now read that some people say "cement" when they mean concrete.
So I think I'd like to sweep concrete dust into there then sprinkle with watter. The main problem is still there though, finding sand fine enough.

If you have a bag mix up a plastic cupfull and let it set no need sand.
Pure cement watered in may work, but you might have to do it a few times or you will make a mess of the slabs.
Use "Ordinary Portland" Not "Masonry" cement. It will disappear down the cracks that's why you will possibly have to do it a few times.
But if you are struggling with the weed roots then it may not be total coverage so they could come back there.
Have you tried the flame thrower things to get rid first.

When I was a worker we used neat cement to keep the different sized tubes in the ground (called casing) It works on its own if needed.

Afternoon folks:).

I apologize for being AWOL for a few days.
Last couple of days been hectic, Rained Sat and had to remove some old windows and door for the window boys on Wed/Thurs. Sunday was a 700klm round trip drive to drop friend off at the airport. L322 performed flawlessly:).
Add into that Ms mum a bit poorly and had to go into hospital. Ms brother had to take her to A&E as the ambulance wait was supposedly 6hrs:mad:. So flights booked and Ms in the air now to babysit her mother, Basically to stop her saying she's fine and going to play a round of golf:rolleyes:.

So. I could be left to my own devises for 2 weeks:eek:, This could get messy/interesting:p.
So to start with I took the lid off the pool and even though it has cooled a bit (cos of the rain) I had a skinny dip:D.

Now to sort out some junk food, May have the duck breast in the freezer with some other bits, some might even be green;). Oh, I will be washing it down with beer too:D.

If you have a bag mix up a plastic cupfull and let it set no need sand.
Pure cement watered in may work, but you might have to do it a few times or you will make a mess of the slabs.
Use "Ordinary Portland" Not "Masonry" cement. It will disappear down the cracks that's why you will possibly have to do it a few times.
But if you are struggling with the weed roots then it may not be total coverage so they could come back there.
Have you tried the flame thrower things to get rid first.

When I was a worker we used neat cement to keep the different sized tubes in the ground (called casing) It works on its own if needed.

I have now located a make of stuff that a local stockist may have, or may not, this being France. It is supposedly jointing sand special for slabs laid on "supple" surfaces, i.e. what ours are on. It contains some polymer and I think some sort of weedkiller too.
Yes, I have one of those weedkiller burner things, never seems to do a whole lot of good, perversely we almost need to leave some of the weed alive to be able to get a grip on it to be able to pull/prise it out of the cracks. A neighbour has just suggested using white vinegar.
But we want to pull all the roots out before we stick this jointing stuff in. I will have to be lifting some slabs anyway as there are 5 streams running around and under our pool. No matter how often I lift the sunken ones and replace the gravel and sand under them, the following year they have sunk again. But it is getting worse, ones that have never moved before are now moving. It may be down to the weather and partial drought in some places in France. So I will be setting these ones in concrete, as I am getting too old for all this on a recurrent basis.
FINALLY managed to order a new blade for the brushcutter. Over €50 with postage.:eek::eek::eek:
but at least I'll have it a bit quicker, I hope!
I have also just found a local stockist of the jointing sand stuff who has a load of bags in for another customer, who doesn't seem to be in hurry to pick them up. so he rang him up than rang me back. Yep, i can have a bag!!
Whoopee some success at last.
Also a neighbour who popped in for a long chat has just found me a company that hires out tractors and cutters that I could go and pick up on my noootrailer to cut the weeds in this pesky piece of land, should I so desire. So nice of her!! totally unrequested!
We'll see.
I think I'll do this cut myself and then maybe use the other place later on in the season.
What a day of admin!
FINALLY managed to order a new blade for the brushcutter. Over €50 with postage.:eek::eek::eek:
but at least I'll have it a bit quicker, I hope!
I have also just found a local stockist of the jointing sand stuff who has a load of bags in for another customer, who doesn't seem to be in hurry to pick them up. so he rang him up than rang me back. Yep, i can have a bag!!
Whoopee some success at last.
Also a neighbour who popped in for a long chat has just found me a company that hires out tractors and cutters that I could go and pick up on my noootrailer to cut the weeds in this pesky piece of land, should I so desire. So nice of her!! totally unrequested!
We'll see.
I think I'll do this cut myself and then maybe use the other place later on in the season.
What a day of admin!
I've never needed to cut a brush!!
Did you have the inhibit button pushed to keep it at motorway? as I am pretty sure your last part of the journey should have giving it time to come up to normal.
Or did somebody open a door too early before it had gone down to access.

None of the above, it just sat with motorway light on. We were under 50 most of the way back.
Anyway, it decided to spit its dummy today and I had all four lights on and it went into extended height mode :(
The EAS kicker worked but it went again 5 miles later. I waited until I got home before doing it again.
None of the above, it just sat with motorway light on. We were under 50 most of the way back.
Anyway, it decided to spit its dummy today and I had all four lights on and it went into extended height mode :(
The EAS kicker worked but it went again 5 miles later. I waited until I got home before doing it again.

I guess the Nano will be getting a work out then:(.
Will look out for your Fred in the big freelander bit then:D.

You can’t fix that with an ammer like the 90:eek:. Sadly:p.

FINALLY managed to order a new blade for the brushcutter. Over €50 with postage.:eek::eek::eek:
but at least I'll have it a bit quicker, I hope!

My brush cutter wasn’t that dear! :rolleyes:

The painters did the whole job in the one day. :)
...and very nice it looks too. I couldn't have wished for nicer people doing the job. :)
They did all this back face of the house and the soffits/barge-boards and all of the left hand side upper wall above the hipped roof.
It looks really good to me. :D

The painters did the whole job in the one day. :)
...and very nice it looks too. I couldn't have wished for nicer people doing the job. :)
They did all this back face of the house and the soffits/barge-boards and all of the left hand side upper wall above the hipped roof.
It looks really good to me. :D

View attachment 267107

Looks good from here:). If you are happy with the end result and the cost, I guess it’s time to move on that shaky scaffold you used last time:D.

Nice to get somebody that actually does what they say they do:).

The painters did the whole job in the one day. :)
...and very nice it looks too. I couldn't have wished for nicer people doing the job. :)
They did all this back face of the house and the soffits/barge-boards and all of the left hand side upper wall above the hipped roof.
It looks really good to me. :D

View attachment 267107
It DOES look good!
well done!!(For not doing it yourself for once!):):):)
Mornin folks.
Edge to edge bloo.
Another motybike day.

Saw the aftermath of a really nasty head on coming home last night. Both big modern cars and they had made a right mess of each other. Lots of good citizens looking after the occupants and directing traffic, which was heartening.
Takes care peeps :)

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