Awoken by the sound of next door hammering on the walls inside their house @ 06:20 :mad: Selfish gits!
Up at 7 got the paper and both cars are off the drive so the painter(s) can get on.
Perfect Storm - Painters AND Thomas on the same days, no room to swing a cat. :(
Some interesting point but nuclear is only safe until it goes wrong. There's a chance of 1 in N of that happening. In the uk it hasn't so far. If it did then it would alter the balance of damage nuclear has done to the planet v renewable. That is a worrying figure and damage thats long lasting. Some of his renewable problems only occurr in merka.
Been reading about the nuclear issues in France recently. They have a big problem in that the ones they have are knackered and EDF can only just about afford to keep going because they are on the brink of bankruptcy. They can't afford to build new ones even if the latest projected model gets passed as safe. No private company wants to build any so the state will have to provide and they don't have any money for it either. They are in a terrible state.:(:(
Yer can buy jointing sand that sets ard un dunt damage the top of the paving. Eye will gerra link.

Fer nasty weeds put fik bleach on the stem after yer pulled oot wot yer can. Dunt gerrit on top of the paving as it may stain. Eye has tried this recently un it diddid well.
I'll have to try and find some. the frogs tend to use thinner bleach.
I'll have to google "jointing sand and try and find out what the frogs call it!
Ta mate!:):):)
Rained overnight so I don't think I'll be attacking the rest of the brush on the other bit of land, so I'll hunt for a new blade for the machine and a new petrol cap, for some reason it seems to get through these.
Then maybe attack the SVS problem on the Disco since I now have the new bit.
Wifey feeling ick for some reason so she is staying in bed. I think she may have got heatstroke the other day working outside near our pool which is a sun trap at the best of times, even though she had a Vietnamese sun hat on and was working sitting down, though very bent over, weeding. I did make sure she drank lots. Maybe it's something else, she didn't want her dinner last night.:(:(
Have a good day folks!

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