Mornin all.
Out afore brekker to picj up that bag of fancy jointing sand.
Then to the chemist for stuff including hydrocortisone ointment for W who has, for once in her life, sunburned. Normally it's me which is why I am so careful!
So once i have set her up with a sun umbrella she'lll be back on weeding the cracks and I'll be back on weedwhacking
Still sunny and very hot.
Have a good day folks
found a place near walsall who reckon they can re-core bike radiators! :D
Can't believe this would be something so hard to find. How time have changed.
Used to take my rads to a guy in Boscombe who worked out of a place that looked like it dated back to Queen Victoria. He'd do some stuff on the spot and I could even watch him work. Cheap too.
Can't believe this would be something so hard to find. How time have changed.
Used to take my rads to a guy in Boscombe who worked out of a place that looked like it dated back to Queen Victoria. He'd do some stuff on the spot and I could even watch him work. Cheap too.
There's a couple of local places that will re-core a car radiator, but the one i spoke to wouldn't touch a bike one because of the size.
I guess there isn't a huge market for re-cores, let alone for bikes that for many never see a rainy day, nevermind winter time!
There's a couple of local places that will re-core a car radiator, but the one i spoke to wouldn't touch a bike one because of the size.
I guess there isn't a huge market for re-cores, let alone for bikes that for many never see a rainy day, nevermind winter time!
I guess that it an explanation, of a sort. Maybe he can't find spare cores or summat. It absolutely is so fubared it can't be repaired is it?
....that Thomas and I have been busy this afternoon.
Here's the oak sleepers cut and ready to be cemented and nailed into place at the front of the garden boundary to the pavement.

Ruddy hell these sleepers were heavy. Solid Oak and filled with old fashioned creosote. Railings to go on the top.


Been reading about the nuclear issues in France recently. They have a big problem in that the ones they have are knackered and EDF can only just about afford to keep going because they are on the brink of bankruptcy. They can't afford to build new ones even if the latest projected model gets passed as safe. No private company wants to build any so the state will have to provide and they don't have any money for it either. They are in a terrible state.:(:(
Its a big commitment to spend that sort of cash. Companies will be nervous committing to somefink that may not be used for its expected life time. Also can't be sure of the production price they get.

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