Dads carers did their 'late' call at 17:00hrs fitted his catheter night bag, capacity 2 litres, and went, he took himself off to bed at 20:00hrs having looked at his bag and thought 'don't need to empty that' ...

I get there at 05:45 and find that the lever tap on the bottom of the bag was left open and the front room and his bedroom smell like the bogs a Glastonbury ...

Roolz lick. Sorry. :oops:
Sup Dips? o_O

And for the rest of the day I was drilling a snapped bolt out of the cylinder head, only a dipstick tube support, but with no bolt the tube got loose and oil dribbled from the sump hole ...

All went swimmingly until I made a mistake putting the slam panel back in and buggered up the bonnet release and then shut it without checking cause I was in a hurry to pop back to Dads ...

Ended up having to smash the plastic grill up to release the damn thing, waiting today for the scrappy to open ...

If they have one ... :rolleyes:
And for the rest of the day I was drilling a snapped bolt out of the cylinder head, only a dipstick tube support, but with no bolt the tube got loose and oil dribbled from the sump hole ...

All went swimmingly until I made a mistake putting the slam panel back in and buggered up the bonnet release and then shut it without checking cause I was in a hurry to pop back to Dads ...

Ended up having to smash the plastic grill up to release the damn thing, waiting today for the scrappy to open ...

If they have one ... :rolleyes:


Weather here is very summery. Because me n swmbo is in tenerife. Got here on time and without aggro despite all the travel disruption which we did not encounter. And have got to learn noo skills at tryping on her compooterpad gadget. Which keeps trying to korrekt me spellin w Which I have managed to defeat already. So I can keep up with the gang on ere.
Bit of a faff yesdi.
I was so cunningly devilishly devious (an forgetful) in concealing the tracker in me tratter, when the battery ran down, I couldn't find the damn thing!
Basically emptied it into the front garding, gubbins from the back, seats, evryfink..

Found it in the end.. She needed a hoover out anyways. :D
We had a violent overhead thunderstorm overnight so little sleep was had as I had one dog terrified out of 'is life. :rolleyes: The other came to me but just settled down at the side of my bed and went to sleep again. :) I think he was checking to see if I needed 'comforting' :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

The rain has now stopped although there is a very heavy sky hanging about so we probably have more to come.

It took me a few minutes to realise why I could not connect to the internet this morning ...................... :rolleyes:

Enjoy your day whatever you have planned.:)
Bit of a faff yesdi.
I was so cunningly devilishly devious (an forgetful) in concealing the tracker in me tratter, when the battery ran down, I couldn't find the damn thing!
Basically emptied it into the front garding, gubbins from the back, seats, evryfink..

Found it in the end.. She needed a hoover out anyways. :D

Maybe take a piccy on yer phone ?

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