Mornin folks.
Tad grumpy, Copper chopper over the house at 4 ayem for half an hour.
I know they're doing their job, but..

Back in the 90's that happened to me, I phoned up as my child was poorly and it was disturbing her. They said they were chasing some scotes.... It turned out said scrotes had stolen my car whilst they were hovering overhead :(
Went to wix but din't like the claw fing. Spottid me tellyscoppic bush chopper and it wur good. Went to argos and gorrit cheaper. Got me mattress cover anorl. Then to omebase ferra look at the plants. Gottid me hoe and soil rake. Also looked up mr fovvagills seeds as they hassa web site so eye signed up ferrit. They hassa newsletter.

Bin watching the celebrations. Eye fink we pulled it oft well. Cut me grass yesdi after it stopped raining ter fill me bin. Tis full ov cress like stuff and moss.
Went to wix but din't like the claw fing. Spottid me tellyscoppic bush chopper and it wur good. Went to argos and gorrit cheaper. Got me mattress cover anorl. Then to omebase ferra look at the plants. Gottid me hoe and soil rake. Also looked up mr fovvagills seeds as they hassa web site so eye signed up ferrit. They hassa newsletter.

Bin watching the celebrations. Eye fink we pulled it oft well. Cut me grass yesdi after it stopped raining ter fill me bin. Tis full ov cress like stuff and moss.
I need a mattress topper for the van any recommendations? Needs to roll up and store cause it's a rock n roll bed, cant sleep on it as it is
I need a mattress topper for the van any recommendations? Needs to roll up and store cause it's a rock n roll bed, cant sleep on it as it is
Mine was a silent night mattress protector from argos, which is different to a topper. Protectors are less than 1cm thin. If you put mattress protector or mattress topper in the argos search fing on their web site, yer'll see pic's of what they sell. Never bought a topper but if eye did eye would go for the silent night one because their adverts show a hippo sleeping on them.
...that life has a way of taking the p1ss!
Just the other day, while raking around the garage and the various piles of Series 3 bits that were "sorted" according to where they came off, I found an interesting bit of rubber. Kind of H shaped, reminded me of a pedal cover (but isn't) but could I remember where it went? Nope. So I put it back from whence it came.
So today...fixing the wiper gubbins to the new bulkhead and thinking that the motor was a bit loose, but it was the right bracket, and the right captive bar but Something was definitely not right! Did any of my "before" pics have the answer. Course not. Wiper motor was too easy and obvious to have been photographed!!
Went and had a coffee, and had a look online at other aspects of the bulkhead....and there it was!!! That bit of rubber was the missing link! Now where the devil had I put it? Was only the other day....surely it couldn't be that hard to find? Right, got it....not hard at all....if you class 35 mins of raking around as not hard...

mutter mutter....
Afternoon folks:).

Well that was a busy weekend which started out as a reccy mission for a car, for Ms friend whos got the house here. Ended up with buying an ML270 2003;), Looks ok but some lights on the dash, they said its cos of a low battery;). I can sort of believe that as the owner of a RR, but we will see.

So because buying a car here is quite a process that killed that day, Girls back up today to do what we didnt do cos of buying the car and to pick it up, they are still waiting on plates for it:rolleyes: Nope correction they are just leaving:).
Does anybody know of a decent cheap code reader for the Merc cos I am pretty sure it will start to become something I will be having to look at and help with:rolleyes:.

Had me skinny dip yesterday and thought may need to topup the pool, Nope its rained overnight and this moring and topped it up with free fresh rain water:). Gonna have to check the balance again tomorrow.

Concrete tomorrow. truck only holds 9 needed 10 so will have to make up the diff later rather than pay for another truck just for 1.
So I have relaxed today cos its gonna be hard labor for me tomorrow:D.

Oh and I did enjoy Paddington Bear:D:D.
Hope your parties went well if you had 1 or whatever you did :).

did you gerrit back?
Indeed I did. They drove it to the other side of Aylesbury. I went to get it and drove it home. They had done damage but it was drive-able. A week later, I get a call from the boys in blue..... we have found your car!
No sh*t sherlock. Where, I innocently enquired? They then state my own address :) yeah says I that is where I put it after you called me last week.... :rolleyes:
Eye enjoyed paddington bear anorl. Fort it were funny when the bbc presenter said the queen had good comedy timing. Wiv paddington being magic he wurn't there. It wood av bin edited together. Sorry to spoil it fer the children reading this.

Eye was going to wash ma hippo but din't gerrup until 11:30 and wen't ferra nap at 14:00 fer 2 ours. Now tis a bit late so eye is finking of finishing plantin me unyuns and me martoe plant.

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