Edgar's still poorly. Chemicals have helped him to grow a small bit of new growth on some of his lower branches. But its only the end bits. He hasn't growd back the needles that have come oft. His top bit is growing as normal. Eye is starting to fink about growing a cutting from him so he can start again, assa backup plan.
Whatever you do, don't look like you int busy :)
That said, I has sandin an paintin to do.. no rest for the mildly norty :rolleyes:

Have a lovely day pips :cool:
Just come back from walking the dogs 1 dog behaves,the other just runs round like a naughty child on sugar.
Find the Motobike missing & a note from the mrs to say she’s out for the day to Birmingham. She saw the traffic & decide easier on 2 wheels.

As for looking busy…. The house/garden/garage has cameras so I don’t have anywhere to hide ;)
.... the phishing scammers called today.

As I said earlier I foolishly got caught in a "Covid PCR Test" phishing scam but realised in time and contacted my bank and stopped the card concerned.
Today I get a text allegedly from my bank alerting me to "suspicious activity on my account and that my card is now blocked". But I had it blocked 36 hours ago. Text also says a rep from the bank will contact me.
Just had a call on my mobile allegedly from the bank.
Man starts by telling me a bloke called "Mohammed" has tried to use my card, do I know a Mohammed?
I say no, and he says well we will need to sort some stuff out on your accounts to protect you.
Ahhh says I, but when I spoke to the bank fraud team they said it was likely that the fraudsters would contact me to "help me", and I don't know who you are other than you have just called me out of the blue.
At this point the conversation turns sinister and I am called "Clever C-word" and a lot of other "not-nice" names and threatened that as they have my address they will come and rob me at some point in the future and "my bad boys will visit you and take everything you have." The police have been alerted and I have a crime number.
Keep on your toes folks. Be safe. :D
.... the phishing scammers called today.

As I said earlier I foolishly got caught in a "Covid PCR Test" phishing scam but realised in time and contacted my bank and stopped the card concerned.
Today I get a text allegedly from my bank alerting me to "suspicious activity on my account and that my card is now blocked". But I had it blocked 36 hours ago. Text also says a rep from the bank will contact me.
Just had a call on my mobile allegedly from the bank.
Man starts by telling me a bloke called "Mohammed" has tried to use my card, do I know a Mohammed?
I say no, and he says well we will need to sort some stuff out on your accounts to protect you.
Ahhh says I, but when I spoke to the bank fraud team they said it was likely that the fraudsters would contact me to "help me", and I don't know who you are other than you have just called me out of the blue.
At this point the conversation turns sinister and I am called "Clever C-word" and a lot of other "not-nice" names and threatened that as they have my address they will come and rob me at some point in the future and "my bad boys will visit you and take everything you have." The police have been alerted and I have a crime number.
Keep on your toes folks. Be safe. :D
Wow!! They are some evil people. I watch Scammer Payback on YouTube, he along with a few other clever folk are taking the fight to them. Take care and have the boys in blue on speed dial!!
.... the phishing scammers called today.

As I said earlier I foolishly got caught in a "Covid PCR Test" phishing scam but realised in time and contacted my bank and stopped the card concerned.
Today I get a text allegedly from my bank alerting me to "suspicious activity on my account and that my card is now blocked". But I had it blocked 36 hours ago. Text also says a rep from the bank will contact me.
Just had a call on my mobile allegedly from the bank.
Man starts by telling me a bloke called "Mohammed" has tried to use my card, do I know a Mohammed?
I say no, and he says well we will need to sort some stuff out on your accounts to protect you.
Ahhh says I, but when I spoke to the bank fraud team they said it was likely that the fraudsters would contact me to "help me", and I don't know who you are other than you have just called me out of the blue.
At this point the conversation turns sinister and I am called "Clever C-word" and a lot of other "not-nice" names and threatened that as they have my address they will come and rob me at some point in the future and "my bad boys will visit you and take everything you have." The police have been alerted and I have a crime number.
Keep on your toes folks. Be safe. :D

They're really going to town on you aren't they? In all likelihood he's a long way away, possibly in another country and the chances of him and his mates turning up are remote.

I gave up answering the phone completely some years ago and life has been better for it.
They're really going to town on you aren't they? In all likelihood he's a long way away, possibly in another country and the chances of him and his mates turning up are remote.

I gave up answering the phone completely some years ago and life has been better for it.
Well I think the guy was from the UK, he had all the speech patterns of a UK person of a non-white ethnicity off to a "T" rather than Ranjit Gupta from Mumbai.
But, I also think he was just "venting" because he got nothing from 2 passes because he wasn't quick enough to use the card info that was phished last Saturday and I stopped the card on Thursday AM and his second attempt at pretending to be from the bank failed too. Will he come and visit? I don't think so, it is just not worth the time & trouble because he doesn't know what he might find. I could very well be a pauper living on the breadline with nothing worth having.
Well I think the guy was from the UK, he had all the speech patterns of a UK person of a non-white ethnicity off to a "T" rather than Ranjit Gupta from Mumbai.
But, I also think he was just "venting" because he got nothing from 2 passes because he wasn't quick enough to use the card info that was phished last Saturday and I stopped the card on Thursday AM and his second attempt at pretending to be from the bank failed too. Will he come and visit? I don't think so, it is just not worth the time & trouble because he doesn't know what he might find. I could very well be a pauper living on the breadline with nothing worth having.

It may be that he'd failed with a few other people before he swore at you, which explains his frustration. Many years ago when I used to answer the phone I picked it up one day to find it was a very angry man claiming I'd sold him a car via the advertising paper Bargain Pages and there was something wrong with it. I protested that I didn't even have a car, and certainly hadn't sold one to anyone. "I don't care, I'm coming round with my mates to sort you out" (I think there were a few more expletives in the original). Eventually he calmed down and seemed to accept that I was not the vendor of the offending vehicle and I suggested he approach Trading Standards. Weird things happen when you answer the phone. I grew tired of such adventures about 15 years ago and leave it unplugged most of the time. If people want to have a phone conversation with me they can email me and we'll sort out a time, but I won't pick up the phone on spec, I'm not a f*cking receptionist.
.... the phishing scammers called today.

As I said earlier I foolishly got caught in a "Covid PCR Test" phishing scam but realised in time and contacted my bank and stopped the card concerned.
Today I get a text allegedly from my bank alerting me to "suspicious activity on my account and that my card is now blocked". But I had it blocked 36 hours ago. Text also says a rep from the bank will contact me.
Just had a call on my mobile allegedly from the bank.
Man starts by telling me a bloke called "Mohammed" has tried to use my card, do I know a Mohammed?
I say no, and he says well we will need to sort some stuff out on your accounts to protect you.
Ahhh says I, but when I spoke to the bank fraud team they said it was likely that the fraudsters would contact me to "help me", and I don't know who you are other than you have just called me out of the blue.
At this point the conversation turns sinister and I am called "Clever C-word" and a lot of other "not-nice" names and threatened that as they have my address they will come and rob me at some point in the future and "my bad boys will visit you and take everything you have." The police have been alerted and I have a crime number.
Keep on your toes folks. Be safe. :D

Don't delete scam texts - send them to 7726 and become a scambuster: Around 500 a month are being removed ..
Sup Dips? o_O

Dads carers did their 'late' call at 17:00hrs fitted his catheter night bag, capacity 2 litres, and went, he took himself off to bed at 20:00hrs having looked at his bag and thought 'don't need to empty that' ...

I get there at 05:45 and find that the lever tap on the bottom of the bag was left open and the front room and his bedroom smell like the bogs a Glastonbury ...

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