A lovely sunny day has dawned and 'they' say it is going to be warmer - a very different day to June 2nd 1953 when it was pouring with rain.over most of the country :( The limelight on that day was given to the Queen of Tongo who continued to ride along in the procession in an open-topped carriage, smiling and waving and looking like a drowned rat! Isn't it funny how such strange memories stay vividly in the memory.:D

Enjoy your day whatever you have planned.:)
There are only 2 roads off of Canvey Island.
There is a huge oil storage facility on the island (like Buncefield).
Today the major route off the Island (A130) got blocked because a petrol tanker coming off the island caught fire.
Blockage of the main route happens often and nothing gets done to improve things (well, not in the 40 years I've been here).
A13 heading east Closed, A130 South onto Canvey CLOSED, A130 North off of Canvey CLOSED.
Local council & MP are surprised that local residents are concerned about what might happen in a real emergency.
It beggars belief. Yes, accidents happen, but having no "options" is a disaster waiting to happen.

View attachment 266250
That's in the essex bit darn saff so it dun't matter.
Dug 2 square meters yesdi. Took me 4 hours. Lots of roots and ard going. Soil seems good. Eye fink is was a veg patch before. Found the next bit is a concrete base ferra old shed from years ago. Leaving it there as eye aint sure if eye wants to put a shed there or not. Raked me grass a bit to see wot came oot. Eye was wored out by then so gave up. Me grass hassa lot of miss innit.
Morning All :D
A troubled sleepless night. I woke @ 3AM with the sudden sick realisation that I had been "phished" in an official looking NHS Covid PCR test scam.
I got up checked my browser history and the site visited is no longer there. My account has a really substantial sum of money in it so I called the bank and reported that my card details were compromised and they have stopped my card and are issuing a new one. :)
I checked my account transactions and luckily the perpetrator had not got to my details on his long list of victims yet. :)
Note to self, ignore all SMS text messages with web-links in future.
Have a lovely day. :D
Morning All :D
A troubled sleepless night. I woke @ 3AM with the sudden sick realisation that I had been "phished" in an official looking NHS Covid PCR test scam.
I got up checked my browser history and the site visited is no longer there. My account has a really substantial sum of money in it so I called the bank and reported that my card details were compromised and they have stopped my card and are issuing a new one. :)
I checked my account transactions and luckily the perpetrator had not got to my details on his long list of victims yet. :)
Note to self, ignore all SMS text messages with web-links in future.
Have a lovely day. :D
A lucky escape
Dug 2 square meters yesdi. Took me 4 hours. Lots of roots and ard going. Soil seems good. Eye fink is was a veg patch before. Found the next bit is a concrete base ferra old shed from years ago. Leaving it there as eye aint sure if eye wants to put a shed there or not. Raked me grass a bit to see wot came oot. Eye was wored out by then so gave up. Me grass hassa lot of miss innit.
I know it is heresy to say so, but I prefer moss in a lawn. It's nice and green, it's shade tolerant, doesn't need mowing as much and has a nice spongy texture. The thing is with lawns is that we mow them down to the very limit of survivability of the grass, and then spend ages (and a lot of money) trying to get rid of the species that thrive better under those conditions.

There's usually very nice soil where nettles have been - often black and crumbly. They're a good pioneer plant and are often the first thing to colonise disturbed ground and piles of rubble. If you can get all the roots out it's then fit for growing more fastidious species.
I know it is heresy to say so, but I prefer moss in a lawn. It's nice and green, it's shade tolerant, doesn't need mowing as much and has a nice spongy texture. The thing is with lawns is that we mow them down to the very limit of survivability of the grass, and then spend ages (and a lot of money) trying to get rid of the species that thrive better under those conditions.

There's usually very nice soil where nettles have been - often black and crumbly. They're a good pioneer plant and are often the first thing to colonise disturbed ground and piles of rubble. If you can get all the roots out it's then fit for growing more fastidious species.
I totally agree. Manicured lawns are all very well, but my preference is for ordinary meadow/field grasses, clovers & assorted wild things that can be mown and yet will survive and can stand a bit of drought. :)
Morning All :D
A troubled sleepless night. I woke @ 3AM with the sudden sick realisation that I had been "phished" in an official looking NHS Covid PCR test scam.
I got up checked my browser history and the site visited is no longer there. My account has a really substantial sum of money in it so I called the bank and reported that my card details were compromised and they have stopped my card and are issuing a new one. :)
I checked my account transactions and luckily the perpetrator had not got to my details on his long list of victims yet. :)
Note to self, ignore all SMS text messages with web-links in future.
Have a lovely day. :D
Oh dear, what a total pain.:(:(:(
Glad you caught it in time though.:):):)
Morning all.
Sunny here.
Cars more or less loaded and trailer hitched up ready to go.
W busy watching the trooping of the colour. Everything very shiny, but some dressing needs adressing!!:D:D:D
Will be off fairly soon as we can't trust the traffic tween ere and Pompey.
Enjoy the rest of the day, and indeed the holiday.
Afternoon folks:).

So laid a load of DPM in the little house ready for the concrete which will not happen tomorrow. But that worked up a sweat, so that's my exercise for the day.
Taken the lid of the pool and checked yes its ready for a swim after the Trooping of the colour:).
Got to make some potato salad to go with the salad and left over roast chick.

Good luck on your travel @Stanleysteamer do we get to see pics of the loaded rig? and I dont mean pics of the what's in the back of the disco:D.

Morning All :D
A troubled sleepless night. I woke @ 3AM with the sudden sick realisation that I had been "phished" in an official looking NHS Covid PCR test scam.
I got up checked my browser history and the site visited is no longer there. My account has a really substantial sum of money in it so I called the bank and reported that my card details were compromised and they have stopped my card and are issuing a new one. :)
I checked my account transactions and luckily the perpetrator had not got to my details on his long list of victims yet. :)
Note to self, ignore all SMS text messages with web-links in future.
Have a lovely day. :D
Glad you didn't lose anything other than sleep. I hate scammers with a vengeance! I worry about my parents etc falling fowl of the evil b*stards.

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