... that I looked at the purchase date on the failed "Hush-Puppy" boots that have set off the foot pain and found that the boots are 8 months old.
The insole padding has collapsed and the sole of my foot is being treated to a close association with the reflection of the ridges and lumps in the sole of the boot.
I have asked the seller what remedy they can offer, but I expect no real answer. Maybe a pair of cushioned insoles should be on my shopping list now. ;)
Nothing worse for feet than rubbish insoles :(
...that not content with robbing me through PAYE when I was working and demanding payment of "tax-owed" (when in fact they had overtaxed me by several thousand pounds); the nice chaps at HMRC are at it again and appear to be unable to do basic mathematics. Their proposed tax-code and how they have arrived at it for 2022/3 will see them hoovering up £1,948 more than they are due through taxation at source.
If a simple layman like me can work out how much tax I should be paying when the equation is as simple as Total Earnings - Total allowances *0.2 (basic rate) then why can't they?
They don't answer the phone and they don't respond to letters.
Worst comes to the worst, get your MP involved.
But generally making an official complaint works well.
Wifey had similar problems year in year out as she has pensions coming in from all directions. At one point they wanted her to pay a sum in tax from one particular pension that was less then the total pension. Assholes.
After making official complaints 3 years running they now seem to know her and she gets it solved quicker. Also she doesn't have to ring them as they ring her.
But my Dad, who had exactly the same problem got his MP involved who dictated a letter to them, with him still on the phone so he could hear what was being said and after that they fell over themselves to put it all right.
Best of luck with it, and take no prisoners.;)
... that I looked at the purchase date on the failed "Hush-Puppy" boots that have set off the foot pain and found that the boots are 8 months old.
The insole padding has collapsed and the sole of my foot is being treated to a close association with the reflection of the ridges and lumps in the sole of the boot.
I have asked the seller what remedy they can offer, but I expect no real answer. Maybe a pair of cushioned insoles should be on my shopping list now. ;)
New pair of boots, deffo.
Then insoles maybe.
Pffft!! 8 months, what a joke!:mad::mad::mad:
So we got up late as it is a "White" day today as regards electric, so trying to avoid using it!
Went and visited two pairs of neighbours, from whom we got yet more gossip.
Peeps moving out, peeps moving in, all French. So now we have become some of the "old guard" on our road!
The lass who run what had been her dad's farm (other side of the road to us) had a cataclysmic row with him two months ago so has moved all her sheep, all the farm equipment, the lot, out to another place, so it's very quiet here now. Shame as she is a lovely girl!
Other peeps have apparently put sheep on the land! We shall see!
Going off in a min so W can get her hair cut and dyed.
Long read of my book for me.
All about German night fighter force 1917 to 1945.
(Not to everyone's taste, I know!)
But at least we now have a new source of wood for the log burner as previous supplier has died!
Always ask a local, Marie -T knows everybody!!!
Have a good evening folks!
We have a couple of contacts that we go to to find out where to get "this and that" cos they are not very good at advertising here and alot is word of mouth.
Today was a lesson in old skool networking.
Marie-T and Raoul have been in the village for ever. There are only about 7 families left who originate in it. Raoul used to be the engineer for the local "délainage" factory and Marie-T latterly used to work in the local town in various shops. So she knows a huge number of people.
All we want is a stere of wood to burn so we go there and as part of of our very happy reacquaintance having been 6 months apart, we simply asked for the number of the peeps who supplied us with wood a few years back.
That bloke having passed she got on the phone and rang around various peeps she new until we came across one who is still doing it. She is either related distantly to them all or has a friend who is related to them. Such fun. And they don't even use the internet as they don't have it!
There are others who advertise of course but to be sure of not getting ripped off, especially as we aren't French, we go through people like them.
Once you know suppliers we find that here at least they can be trusted to be straight with you, but it is finding them in the first place that is the trick.;););)
so maybe similar to where you are.:):):)
Bed time!
Off to "pendre la cremaillere" at our Dutch friends' new place tomoz, so Champagne is on ice and will be wrapped in noospaper and carefully packed before we go to the market first. ;)
Been pizzywet today so not much point in doing anything much except socialising and getting W's hair cut and dyed.
Only took two hours!
So glad I had a good book!
Sleep well folks.
Half light but dry with a strong and bitter wind blowing.
Fingers crossed my dear old D4 will be back later today and then tomorrow is 'collect the long-awaited MH delivery' day.
I hope your weather is better than mine so that you can enjoy your working Thursday. :)

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