Right folks, get ready for this!
You may remember that the piece of land next to ours was owned by a coupla ladies, large ladies of the Lesbos island persuasion.
They started building, much of it right on the property line, generally made a nuisance of themselves.
Then they split up and the building they had done was left to rot. Vandals moved in, the kids fromm the village etc, used to use it to muck around in. So we grew our hedge well high and put barbed wire around where they used to come through to get into our place, etc.
So recently we heard a bloke had bought the place. Was going to build a chalet on top of the existing place.
Well today the bloke and his missus turned up at ours to introduce themselves.
Lovely couple and

Wait for it

Unheard of in Frogland.

He is a Land Rover nut!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
He has 5 of the things!
110s 88, Range Rover etc etc etc.

Howzabout that then!!!!!!!!!!

I feel as lucky as @kevstar.
So we got on like a house on fire!!
Still can't get over it. It would have been fairly miraculous in the UK........but in France?????
I think my laptop has died :(. Borrowed SWMBO laptop to keep in touch with the outside world for now. I fear I may have to have some cash surgically removed from my wallet and get a new one.
Oh dear, feel your pain.
Even though I have to use a separate keyboard for my old one I would hate to see it turn its toes up.
Best of luck with the new one and grit your teeth wallet-wise.:(:(:(
Right folks, get ready for this!
You may remember that the piece of land next to ours was owned by a coupla ladies, large ladies of the Lesbos island persuasion.
They started building, much of it right on the property line, generally made a nuisance of themselves.
Then they split up and the building they had done was left to rot. Vandals moved in, the kids fromm the village etc, used to use it to muck around in. So we grew our hedge well high and put barbed wire around where they used to come through to get into our place, etc.
So recently we heard a bloke had bought the place. Was going to build a chalet on top of the existing place.
Well today the bloke and his missus turned up at ours to introduce themselves.
Lovely couple and

Wait for it

Unheard of in Frogland.

He is a Land Rover nut!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
He has 5 of the things!
110s 88, Range Rover etc etc etc.

Howzabout that then!!!!!!!!!!

I feel as lucky as @kevstar.
So we got on like a house on fire!!
Still can't get over it. It would have been fairly miraculous in the UK........but in France?????
Any Freelander's?
Until he saw all the rotting chassis rails? ;)
Obvs he ain't seen em but on a Disco 1 tis the body work, sills etc that rot afore the chassis rails. you is thinking of a Disco 2!
My disco 1s are 300tdi and V8, the Disco 2 is the TD5. and yes the chassis has already been repaired.
My 300 tid needs quite a bit of work re sills etc. It needed it when I parked it up in 2014, it's bound to be worser now!:(:(:(
Night-Night all.
It is school times Easter Holidays and the requests for us to mind OPK's (Other Peoples Kids) are arriving thick and fast. :9
What bit of "we are nearly 70, sort yourselves out like we always did." don't they quite understand?
Unplug the phone or leave a message, "Gone to the Canary Islands for Easter"
Or the Easter Islands for a canary.
Either will do!!
Lovely couple and
He is a Land Rover nut!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
He has 5 of the things!
110s 88, Range Rover etc etc etc.

I feel as lucky as @kevstar.
So we got on like a house on fire!!
Still can't get over it. It would have been fairly miraculous in the UK........but in France?????
I live in Lincs where there are lots of LR products..... but none in our little part of the village :(

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