I to am now having a bad day :mad::mad: some one has stolen my air

Slab laying at the side of Wimblowdriver Towers finished (apart from filling the joints). I can now walk to the garage back door without encountering trip hazards. Choice of jobs next; 1) new garage roof. 2) finish sis-in-laws patio. 3) rebuild the orangery (being a bit posh there, its a dilapidated lean to shed on the side of the house).
Afternoon folks:).

It has been another sunny but little brezzey. I have got the last of the clearing out done and moved scaffold from east wing bathroom to the dressing area:rolleyes:.
As we seem to be heading for a fully enclosed bath/shower it has freed up a bunch more space so things are already being moved around in our heads, otherwise it will all be on 2 walls and the rest you could swing a cat in, so thats needs filling:). I am sure everything will be moved around the room 3 times before we actually decide:rolleyes:.

M was outside sorting her little garden bit and planted a couple of roses, its nice to be looking forward to getting back out side:D.


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