Afternoon folks:).

Well it got rather windy over the weekend and we have lost a large limb from the cherry tree:(. will get that cut up later and hope the tree will heal:).

Been clearing out the east wing and there is an old washing machine and dishwasher, now what's useful:rolleyes: that could go in a box of "I can use that":D.
So motors, Pumps, solenoids, and of course the drum. will end up with loads of screws and pipe clips, all very useful:rolleyes:.

Mama cats kittens are now a week old, we think we disturbed her when we went out in the back garden this morning, as she ran back with a fluffball in her mouth, She is obviously trying to move them somewhere, I guess she will try again later.
Which is good news cos we are having good days and a chicken that needs a can up its bottom and putting on the BBQ:D.

Weekend job lined up now as went and got some cable, crimps and shrink warp:D.

Right folks, get ready for this!
You may remember that the piece of land next to ours was owned by a coupla ladies, large ladies of the Lesbos island persuasion.
They started building, much of it right on the property line, generally made a nuisance of themselves.
Then they split up and the building they had done was left to rot. Vandals moved in, the kids fromm the village etc, used to use it to muck around in. So we grew our hedge well high and put barbed wire around where they used to come through to get into our place, etc.
So recently we heard a bloke had bought the place. Was going to build a chalet on top of the existing place.
Well today the bloke and his missus turned up at ours to introduce themselves.
Lovely couple and

Wait for it

Unheard of in Frogland.

He is a Land Rover nut!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
He has 5 of the things!
110s 88, Range Rover etc etc etc.

Howzabout that then!!!!!!!!!!

I feel as lucky as @kevstar.
So we got on like a house on fire!!
Still can't get over it. It would have been fairly miraculous in the UK........but in France?????

So somebody has been in talks today about a shared double garage:D:D:D.

Nice to have nice neighbors that you can actually get along/ relate too.

Last house I lived in in the UK 1 neighbor (my age) I never got on with nothing in common clicked;). I wanted an extension and went round to show the plans to make sure he was fine, he was;). Planning meeting "we think its to big" from the committee:rolleyes:.
Other neighbor's kept themselves to themselves older couple, but we often talked as he was doing a midget up in the garage, I actually let him park his Jag in my garage when the house was empty for a while:).

So somebody has been in talks today about a shared double garage:D:D:D.

Nice to have nice neighbors that you can actually get along/ relate too.

Last house I lived in in the UK 1 neighbor (my age) I never got on with nothing in common clicked;). I wanted an extension and went round to show the plans to make sure he was fine, he was;). Planning meeting "we think its to big" from the committee:rolleyes:.
Other neighbor's kept themselves to themselves older couple, but we often talked as he was doing a midget up in the garage, I actually let him park his Jag in my garage when the house was empty for a while:).

New Landy loving neighbour and I talked tools for a little while yessdi, he was saying how he has loads, and would have to be careful where he put them in his new place vis-à-vis burglars, I asked him if he has a 2 or 4 post lift. "No he said but the garage site which the previous owners had started, already had a very good concrete slab." Significant look!
Who knows? We may end up sharing some stuff. Turns out he too has done a kit car, of sorts, a rebody of a Datsun 250 Z to make it look like a Ferrari 250 GTO. Not easy to do anything like that in France. He also used to help run a French Landrover forum, Landymania or summat, which apparently died when the founder died.
I used to live next to a guy who ran a professional garage and would let me borrow anything, that was so good, and he was a good laugh. Happy days.:):):)
...that not content with robbing me through PAYE when I was working and demanding payment of "tax-owed" (when in fact they had overtaxed me by several thousand pounds); the nice chaps at HMRC are at it again and appear to be unable to do basic mathematics. Their proposed tax-code and how they have arrived at it for 2022/3 will see them hoovering up £1,948 more than they are due through taxation at source.
If a simple layman like me can work out how much tax I should be paying when the equation is as simple as Total Earnings - Total allowances *0.2 (basic rate) then why can't they?
They don't answer the phone and they don't respond to letters.
...that not content with robbing me through PAYE when I was working and demanding payment of "tax-owed" (when in fact they had overtaxed me by several thousand pounds); the nice chaps at HMRC are at it again and appear to be unable to do basic mathematics. Their proposed tax-code and how they have arrived at it for 2022/3 will see them hoovering up £1,948 more than they are due through taxation at source.
If a simple layman like me can work out how much tax I should be paying when the equation is as simple as Total Earnings - Total allowances *0.2 (basic rate) then why can't they?
They don't answer the phone and they don't respond to letters.
I am having the same problems. They have put me back on emergency tax as they cannot work out how much I have overpaid!!
A mizzly, damp day 'ere with a strong'ish breeze blowing. It looks cold but I 'aven'y been out to investigate that.
I'm off to take the car in to have the transmission oil changed - should 'ave been done in January but they didn't have the oil - a LR main stealer :eek: I'll get it back tomorrow - I hope.
Half way through the week already and I know what you're all looking forward to .... and it isn't today's work. ;):)
... that I looked at the purchase date on the failed "Hush-Puppy" boots that have set off the foot pain and found that the boots are 8 months old.
The insole padding has collapsed and the sole of my foot is being treated to a close association with the reflection of the ridges and lumps in the sole of the boot.
I have asked the seller what remedy they can offer, but I expect no real answer. Maybe a pair of cushioned insoles should be on my shopping list now. ;)

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