I remember as a kid you could by shoes with 'track prints' on the bottom of them, can't remember if you had a choice of animal tho ...

Morning All :D
-1° here :(
Was asked to look after my lads kids overnight so he can murder his unfaithful wife in private (JK) :)
But while they were reasonably well behaved they let the cat out of the kitchen early this morning and she's pooped all over the house in terror.
Still, could have been worse. :)
Have a great day :D
Oh dear!
Ever thought of inventing cat nappies?:D:D:D
Arternoon all.
Had a big lie in today.
Still feckin cold snow melting a bit.
Wifey is out surveying the land margin cos she is convinced the new neighbour is pinching our land. She even thought, viewing it from the window, that he has "moved" the feck off big shed the previous owners left there.:rolleyes:
We put up a fence on the land border then planted a long hedge of Leylandii. We can see through this now as he has had cleared the mountains of weeds, ferns, brambles that have grown there over the years the land has been allowed to go riot while the two ladies didn't decide to do anything with it once they split up.
Oh yep! Friday night inn Limoges, the hotel had no wifi, so had to watch telly.
Flicking through the channels trying to find summat worth watching came across the French version of Wheeler Dealers.
Was a joke!
Banter was pants. The Edd China character was a lecturer in disguise, the Mike Brewer character was a bald bearded little tw@t with nothing to say that was of interest.
Prices for repair etc were a bit more expensive: respray of a Fiat X19 which had been prepped and really wasn't that bad was €3000, :eek::eek::eek:
But then the original Brit progs are that dated it is a bit difficult to make comparisons. But at least it made it a bit easier to understand why classic car prices are so much higher in France.
The bit that made me squirm was when the "professor" showed us how to make a new front spoiler for it. A bit of fibre-glassing in a mould about 1 metre or less long, to go just under the middle. He barely mentioned the release agent, he got the layering etc right, but then proceeded to trim the excess hardened fibreglass off with a penknife and his bare hands:eek::eek::eek:.
My ex-wife and I once had to look after a neighbour, who should have known better as he worked full-time fibre-glassing. He was doing a very similar job, making a front valance for a yank tank. He cut himself so badly he fainted in his kitchen while we were patching him up. :(:(:(
Anyway, she has come back and no, of course, he hasn't moved his shed.
The rest of her "report" I will not bore you with!!
Dinner calls.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Heevnin ol.

Noo windys front an back starts inna mornin so has been shiftin gear away, removin blinds an the the like in preparation. House feels like an fishy bowl, am unsettled, but the extra light is remarkable.

Got the Motybike going yesdi. Noo battri did the job, am cross I didn't twig it sooner.
Nipper came up while I was addin sum go juice ferra chat, was funny, him sayin what an old school bike it was (is only a 2006 ffs, same age as him) an how odd it was for a senior like me to be ridin a supermotard an not a Harley / Triumph / summink fasterer. I explained, as per, it ain't what you gots is what you do wivvit laddie. :)

Much love @Shimsteriom.
An the good peeps on ere too, course :D
Morning all, someone left the gate open last night and the wind is howlin' through this morn ...
Bleddy skip gave me a fright last night on the way back from Dads, check engine light came on :eek::mad:

Bleddy EGR, 'flow restricted' to off some in the way bits, but I couldn't get it off to clean it, might have to wait till next week and bite the bullet for a new one ...:rolleyes:

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