Ok, so here are the tracks for all you peeps who know about such things.
In the first pic I included my own tracks (Size 9s) for comparison.


  • track1.jpg
    73.8 KB · Views: 57
  • track2.jpg
    57 KB · Views: 55
  • tracks3.jpg
    59.7 KB · Views: 312
And here you can see the almond blossom with snow on it.

The hyacinths (I think, I am not the gardener here, or anywhere,) poking through the snow.

That pot is about 50 cms high. actually maybe more!
And the fruit bushes on the bank behind, all in good leaf. wonder what we'll get off them. thankfully sourced from scotty land so pretty hardy.

You can see the orchard behind. When is that feckin cherry tree going to stop growing?
Morning All :D
-1° here :(
Was asked to look after my lads kids overnight so he can murder his unfaithful wife in private (JK) :)
But while they were reasonably well behaved they let the cat out of the kitchen early this morning and she's pooped all over the house in terror.
Still, could have been worse. :)
Have a great day :D
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