Dug the pipe out from under my lounge wall this morning, mucked out and scraped down to solid ground. Then put 9 inches depth of concrete in as a new base. Tomorrow should get it bricked up and dry-packed solid. The pipe did not extend any further, and beyond it the foundations are massive and sound :oops:.
Hiya folks!
no wifi at hotel last night so no chat, but now safely at our place in Frogland under the snow.
Heating has gone on but as it is electric underfloor it is like shouting at a nightstore heater, "Heat me now!"
So I'll light a fire now and get back to you once my fingers have thawed out!
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Hiya folks!
Mi wifi at hotel last night so no chat, but now safely at our place in Frogland under the snow.
Heating has gone on but as it is electric underfloor it is like shouting at a nightstore heater, "Heat me now!"
So I'll light a fire now and get back to you once my fingers have thawed out!
For the rest of us its party time in Dorset :D
Hiya folks!
Mi wifi at hotel last night so no chat, but now safely at our place in Frogland under the snow.
Heating has gone on but as it is electric underfloor it is like shouting at a nightstore heater, "Heat me now!"
So I'll light a fire now and get back to you once my fingers have thawed out!
Glad to hear you made it safe and well!
Sorry I missed this… I have a number for @kevstar but calling strange men while Sat in lay-bys is not always fun.

now it does give an idea….provide phone numbers and say if They have not logged in for X amount of days(person says how many days/weeks)please send a welfare text to them.

and no I don’t want to be the responsible adult in this family thought…..

Aside of calling Kev strange I think its a good idea. Course we all have our own lives but there's folks here who give a damn too. Think about how long Seadog was awol before his missus got in touch, an we still don't know what the latest is with him. So is it up to the Mods to look after the awol list? Numbers supplied voluntarily of course..
Just got my bike insurance renewal notice. Its a classic policy which covers 3 classic bikes and a bike I bought new 15 years ago. Premium has fallen from last year's £338 to this year's £258. And it includes £65 breakdown cover. I've had the policy for 23 years, this year I was gonna shop around. Don't think I'll bother.
I too was pleasantly surprised by the drop. guessing everyone will find this!!;)
Glad to hear you made it safe and well!
today was a breeze b ut yessdi the snow on the dool cabbageways and Mway was pretty grim, not the surface, which was OK but the fact that visibility reduced massively and so many Frog bollix coon't be bovadded to put there rear fog lights on. I slowed to 40 mph last time I actually took a sec to look at the speedo. but then sloweed a bit more. Peeps still overtaking me, maybe they had X-ray eyes!
Have driven in worse but it was quite bad at times, Came in waves and we had I think 5 of them.
In between sometimes we had sunshine.:rolleyes:
Today was a bit different!
Came out af a Mway restaurant place to see our youngest dog looking plaintivelyat me her head resting on the window ledge of the rear seat.
"Aw!" I thought and called Wifey over to have a look.
I then opened the door to see why she was so plaintive, another dog had puked on her lovely snowy white back!
Never seen that before.
So we cleaned her up but the middle dog has been throwing up on and off ever since.
We think she may be allergic to fish as we have to bring well weird dog food with us for the journey as you are no longer allowed to import any meat or dairy containing products. So W got some veg/fish dried dog food which we fed them in the hotel last night. Tother two are fine. They slept 12 hours straight on the ferry which left 1 1/2 hours late. Once we got to the car I let them out to see if they wanted to pee nope, not bothered. so we just drove off the ferry and on and on a bit until we eventually stopped and then they did what you would expect.
So, begs the question.
Why the feck can't they go 12 hours straight when at home?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
We never get more than 6 hours untroubled sleep.:(:(:(
Excuse the typos, it is feckin freezing here, or was until I got the log burner going!
today was a breeze b ut yessdi the snow on the dool cabbageways and Mway was pretty grim, not the surface, which was OK but the fact that visibility reduced massively and so many Frog bollix coon't be bovadded to put there rear fog lights on. I slowed to 40 mph last time I actually took a sec to look at the speedo. but then sloweed a bit more. Peeps still overtaking me, maybe they had X-ray eyes!
Have driven in worse but it was quite bad at times, Came in waves and we had I think 5 of them.
In between sometimes we had sunshine.:rolleyes:
Today was a bit different!
Came out af a Mway restaurant place to see our youngest dog looking plaintivelyat me her head resting on the window ledge of the rear seat.
"Aw!" I thought and called Wifey over to have a look.
I then opened the door to see why she was so plaintive, another dog had puked on her lovely snowy white back!
Never seen that before.
So we cleaned her up but the middle dog has been throwing up on and off ever since.
We think she may be allergic to fish as we have to bring well weird dog food with us for the journey as you are no longer allowed to import any meat or dairy containing products. So W got some veg/fish dried dog food which we fed them in the hotel last night. Tother two are fine. They slept 12 hours straight on the ferry which left 1 1/ hours late. Once we got to the car I let them out to see if they wanted to pee nope, not bothered. so we just drove off the ferry and on and on a bit until we eventually stopped and then they did what you would expect.
So, begs the question.
Why the feck can't they go 12 hours straight when at home?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
We never get more than 6 hours untroubled sleep.:(:(:(
Car-Sick? My kids were always puking when in the car.
Must be your driving style. ;)
Well the noo neighbour has started work on his land which means clearing years of undergrowth/weeds etc.
We can now see through bits of our Cypressia Leyandii hedge.
Of course W went off on one worried he is going to be a sh!t neighbour!!!:rolleyes:
I just want to look at it all properly in day light. the Leyandii were far too wide and only planted 1 metres inside our boundary, so I doubt he has done anything he shouldn't.
Meanwhile some interesting animal tracks in the snow on our decking.
And we saw two deer on our place just before sunset. Never seen this before. With white scuts so we are thinking "roe deer" quite small. Ran off as soon as I went out to try and photograph them as of course I let the dogs out too! Only got one pic, that you can see one in, very blurred.
I'll download the snaps off the camera and get back on.
Also of the trees, flowers and bushes in bloom but with snow on. wondering how many of them will fruit now?:(:(:(

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