Just got my bike insurance renewal notice. Its a classic policy which covers 3 classic bikes and a bike I bought new 15 years ago. Premium has fallen from last year's £338 to this year's £258. And it includes £65 breakdown cover. I've had the policy for 23 years, this year I was gonna shop around. Don't think I'll bother.

Think I mentioned it before. In sewer ants for the Tratter an hairdryer dropped from 650 to 400. They has changed the roolz, everybody gets the new customer price now.
Did yer grow that from just one plant or did yer use several? Eye need ter know how many to get. And the make and model: camellia japonica?

It is just one plant, if I remember it was called 'Debbie'. When I finally rise from my pit I will do a check on its family history and get back to you.
I have three cuttings from last year which are showing promise of having 'taken and you are welcome to one of those if you want to wait for a few months until they have developed a good root system.:)


Yes, Japonica.
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Just back from wix with a tratter load of ballast and some sea ment. Got a bit of an underpinning job to do which became apparent when I was digging out for the last few paving slabs along the side of Wimblowdriver Towers. An extension was built on about 50+ years ago and where the "new" wall was joined to the corner of the original building, there was a redundant drain which was abandoned. It runs under the line of the new wall for about a metre (I hope) before bending away. Instead of digging the drain out and putting in a proper foundation it was built over with minimal concrete under the new wall. The new wall was properly bonded into the old wall and there is no sign of distress even after all those years. But I am gonna do a proper job of putting a good footing under the pipe before smashing it out and strengthening it all up.
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