Back to normal then....
.......and relax!
So the trailer and the mixer are still with us.
Disco packed more or less.
Tomoz last day in blighty for a coupla months, and it'll be snowing.
Whoda thought it?:)
Hope you all had a lovely day.
I'll leave @kevstar to his reading he has a lot of revision to do.:D:D:D:D:D
Questions will be asked!:):):):):)
right, today's exam for @kevstar
You have one hour!
"Who oop north is driving what that is new to him?" (Well south to you!)
"Who has been playing around recently?"
"Which parts of a three wheeled object has someone been fiddling with?"
"Who is swopping what for what for holidays?"
"Who won't be doing any quick stitching anytime soon?"

"And who is shagging who in the Archers?" (joke question and not related to anything on here)

Some of this is based on previous knowledge.
Pass mark is three cos we is fair on ere!

Beats feckin Wordle don't it!!!!!?????

and if you read as far as here, sign your name and walk out of the exam room, you have passed!
right, today's exam for @kevstar
You have one hour!
"Who oop north is driving what that is new to him?" (Well south to you!)
"Who has been playing around recently?"
"Which parts of a three wheeled object has someone been fiddling with?"
"Who is swopping what for what for holidays?"
"Who won't be doing any quick stitching anytime soon?"

"And who is shagging who in the Archers?" (joke question and not related to anything on here)

Some of this is based on previous knowledge.
Pass mark is three cos we is fair on ere!

Beats feckin Wordle don't it!!!!!?????

and if you read as far as here, sign your name and walk out of the exam room, you have passed!

An hour at this time fuck it ive failed im off to my scratcher :p
BTW phil & dolly have teamed up with the trotters van & meauldlandy has stuck a v8 in it an they have
fecked off to turklands gaff to pick up wine then everyone is heading to yours since your orff:p o_O:D
An hour at this time fuck it ive failed im off to my scratcher :p
BTW phil & dolly have teamed up with the trotters van & meauldlandy has stuck a v8 in it an they have
fecked off to turklands gaff to pick up wine then everyone is heading to yours since your orff:p o_O:D
Situation normal then!!!
Did you actually read the last line of the test? Or are you just taking the opertunity to be ironic and have a larf?
I expect the latter!
And all in a 3 wheeler, very subtle!
Hee, hee, hee!!!:D:D:D:D:D

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