Cool but bright 'ere, the sun is doing its best to get out of bed and it threatens to be a pleasant day. We had a light rain shower last evening so the garden is looking happy too.:)

I have been told that eventually my new motorhome will be delivered on Tuesday - after a two month wait for the vehicle's PDI to be done, I'll believe it when I see it. :rolleyes:

Enjoy your day and don't work too hard 'cos you'll need some energy and enthusiasm for the upcoming weekend. :)
Cool but bright 'ere, the sun is doing its best to get out of bed and it threatens to be a pleasant day. We had a light rain shower last evening so the garden is looking happy too.:)

I have been told that eventually my new motorhome will be delivered on Tuesday - after a two month wait for the vehicle's PDI to be done, I'll believe it when I see it. :rolleyes:

Enjoy your day and don't work too hard 'cos you'll need some energy and enthusiasm for the upcoming weekend. :)
Haha you've not worked at my place! Managers walk around like teachers!!
Cool but bright 'ere, the sun is doing its best to get out of bed and it threatens to be a pleasant day. We had a light rain shower last evening so the garden is looking happy too.:)

I have been told that eventually my new motorhome will be delivered on Tuesday - after a two month wait for the vehicle's PDI to be done, I'll believe it when I see it. :rolleyes:

Enjoy your day and don't work too hard 'cos you'll need some energy and enthusiasm for the upcoming weekend. :)
Hope you reeeely enjoy it after all this wait!:):):):):)
Haha you've not worked at my place! Managers walk around like teachers!!
Walk around?
I could never be bothered, I just stood in front of a whiteboard/projection screen and talked, made em laugh, then got em working while I dozed.
If I wanted to bother them I got up and walked a bit.
"Group work" that was the key!!!
(To feck all, all they would have done was natter until I got too close!):D:D:D:D:D:D
I bin up an out, had to un-tarp the front of tother Disco as I forgot to take the batt out, before parking it up to hem in the unsold trailer.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
BEFORE even a cup of tea.:mad::mad::mad:
Even Wifey knows bettern to get between me and my brekfus.;)
She's off out gettin her leg ulcer dressed.
Brekker soon so I is supping a little mug o tee and nattering to you lot.
Nice to have the @kevstar back with us.
Dry and sunny so far.
Hope it stays that way!
Have a nice day peeps!:):):)
Just got my bike insurance renewal notice. Its a classic policy which covers 3 classic bikes and a bike I bought new 15 years ago. Premium has fallen from last year's £338 to this year's £258. And it includes £65 breakdown cover. I've had the policy for 23 years, this year I was gonna shop around. Don't think I'll bother.

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