The bloke re the cement mixer, IS the kid I taught!
He says he can't get it in his van as it's too big!:rolleyes:
It has to be the smallest wheeled mixer there is.
I explained to him that loosening two bolts the legs fold up underneath.:rolleyes:
Maybe he'll get back to me!!;)
If yours is a Belle mixer, the drum can be removed by jerking it anti clockwise and lifting it off the spindle.
Afternoon folks:).

So the weather has change for sure, it has been warm albeit a bit windy. So we will now have to bring the outside job list up and get started on them before it gets to hot:D.
Still no "big chickens" which is really strange, Our tree has the beginning's of blossom on it today:).
Oh and now muma cat has 4 under the oven on the BBQ:eek:. Ms just been out with a bowl of food:rolleyes:, and she calls me a softey;).

Don't think anyone has ever had a real go at him. I pm'd him and got no response either which is not like him.
He's too tough and happy a bloke to get bothered about owt on here.

Agree AG wouldnt get to @kevstar .
Hes probably bust his phone and waiting for someone to give him 1 free:D.

But I must say its not like him so do hope all is well:).

My wife enquired whether "WE" could pay off all my son's short term debt (£40K) to help him through this difficult time. :eek:
My answer was "No"

As hard as it is to say no, I agree with you.
Plus some of those are probably due to somebody wanting new this and that for the house;). So they are jointly responsible.

I told my ex, she could live in the house (I moved out) if she could pay the bills, having previously warned her she couldn't afford them.
She said fine. I paid my bit and the then CSA decided I was paying to much;). So she got less. She moved out 8 mths later with her new BF/Husband/Ex husband:eek:. Left me with a bunch of bills to straighten up, it then took me years to get the house in my name but managed it with hard work.
Plus I would say if you paid them off then your son would have more available disposable income she could come after;). So now is not the time to help financially.

I went through the "I don't want anything from you" to " I am gonna take you to the cleaners".

Its a hard road but many have travelled it, and come out the other end.

Aslong as the kids are loved they will get through, This is the main thing to consider:).

As hard as it is to say no, I agree with you.
Plus some of those are probably due to somebody wanting new this and that for the house;). So they are jointly responsible.

I told my ex, she could live in the house (I moved out) if she could pay the bills, having previously warned her she couldn't afford them.
She said fine. I paid my bit and the then CSA decided I was paying to much;). So she got less. She moved out 8 mths later with her new BF/Husband/Ex husband:eek:. Left me with a bunch of bills to straighten up, it then took me years to get the house in my name but managed it with hard work.
Plus I would say if you paid them off then your son would have more available disposable income she could come after;). So now is not the time to help financially.

I went through the "I don't want anything from you" to " I am gonna take you to the cleaners".

Its a hard road but many have travelled it, and come out the other end.

Aslong as the kids are loved they will get through, This is the main thing to consider:).

Dunno how the English law is on this having only got divorced when we owed money on a house. But as the mortgage was in both names then my ex owed as much on it as me. As for other debts, maybe it's as well to be owing as to be owning, if not better!
In Frogland if either one maxes out all their credit cards, then wants to divorce, they both owe equally on them, even if tother party didn't know. At least that is what happened to my ex's brother! Poor sod!
As you say, hard road to travel.
And as March is set to go out on a cold note ...

tis dark and damp out t'day ...


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