never done a car trackday! wouldnt mind tho!!
the track was great! warm and dry, the only flags i saw all day were green and chequered :)
there were 2 offs in another group but nothing major and no injuries to speak of
My kit car club used to do sorta track days at Castle Combe. 2nd fastest track in the country at the time.
You'd be pounding round it, 4 wheel drifting the lot, in your little Marlin Roadster, busting your guts, and some dick in a GT40 replica would go past you like you were standing still!!!:mad::mad::mad:
Great fun. Saw a few offs but no one ever got hurt.
When doing MSA recovery used to see the odd shunt or off, some of them ended up in right tatters. But at least they had roll cages and the whole Enchilada.
The spectators were in some ways more likely to get hurt, as they did and even marshals like the ones who went off Porlock hill. chumps!
Do you ever do anything easy;)

Or is it complications always come your way:D.

Tell him to come pick it up in france (after he has paid of course) the legalities are up to him of course:rolleyes:
Yeah, I guess trouble just comes my way!!!:rolleyes:
It's all cos we (feck it, I) only just got it ready for sale. Other stuff always seems to get in the way, or I think I can do stuff quicker than I can. :rolleyes:
I'm not paying to take the feckin thing to France and if I did he'd have to take it BACK to the UK to fill it up wiv stuff for the Ukes, in Poland.:mad:
Anyway, we'll see.
Who knows? If this lot goes on long enough they may still be grateful for it 6 months hence, or two as we'll be back then for the wedding.;)
Ohhh Shirley:p
Cake dunt go bang..
Lest is a Bombe I suppose..
And the fun continues.
A bloke on Nextdoor is interested in our Mixer.
He asked me to take pics and send them to him.
On my mobile:eek:
Well I did it and it took for ages!!!:):):)
THEN I looked at his phisog on his handle and looked again at his name, full name.

I'm bloody certain I taught the fat little sprog!!!
not so little now!

This'll be interesting!!!:):):)

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