It looks as if our trailer just might be used to take aid to the Ukraine, which would be a fabulous use for it.:):):)
Hope the geezer who wants it gets his skates on as they are rushing around trying to get a tow bar fitted to a vehicle.:rolleyes:
He sez.
Could be just a con. A pull on the heart strings. (I'll be able to tell if the tow bar is new and maybe he'll have some ID from
Really hope he is straight.;)
We'll see!:):):)
Afternoon folks:).

I have to tell a story sit down and pull up a chair:D.

So 2/3 weeks ago a little kitten showed up in our back porch (catflap) and took up camp;), it was when we had the snow, couple of days later somebody let him in the house, (said woman shall remain nameless) It was apparently my fault for naming him Sox, he has white feet & chest mainly Black. Have been trying to give him away but no luck;). But he is very used to humans and litter trays.

We also have a bitch coming around for ages who has got the attention of our 2 "ball less" gingers, She sneaks in and eats the left overs in the porch, guess what she's been getting tubby for a while. But I don't like to comment on a woman's weight, been there done that and got the slap:D.
Anyways M leaves early this am for her flight leaves me a note to say all the boys have been fed and "shes" back.
Oh ok nothing new there then, well yes she has suddenly lost weight:eek:.

Anyway that was 8:30 this am and now she has both under the oven in the BBQ.

M has said a few times. "we never had this problem when we had a dog, we need another dog" ;).

call me a softy but have looked at the sack a few times:eek:.

Afternoon folks:).

I have to tell a story sit down and pull up a chair:D.

So 2/3 weeks ago a little kitten showed up in our back porch (catflap) and took up camp;), it was when we had the snow, couple of days later somebody let him in the house, (said woman shall remain nameless) It was apparently my fault for naming him Sox, he has white feet & chest mainly Black. Have been trying to give him away but no luck;). But he is very used to humans and litter trays.
View attachment 262044

We also have a bitch coming around for ages who has got the attention of our 2 "ball less" gingers, She sneaks in and eats the left overs in the porch, guess what she's been getting tubby for a while. But I don't like to comment on a woman's weight, been there done that and got the slap:D.
Anyways M leaves early this am for her flight leaves me a note to say all the boys have been fed and "shes" back.
Oh ok nothing new there then, well yes she has suddenly lost weight:eek:.
View attachment 262045

Anyway that was 8:30 this am and now she has both under the oven in the BBQ.

M has said a few times. "we never had this problem when we had a dog, we need another dog" ;).

call me a softy but have looked at the sack a few times:eek:.

Oh dear, that is you jiggered then!
And M leaves right now?
Oh dear again.:):):):):)
So she's left you, nearly literally, "holding the babies"
enjoy them while you can.
and try to get some sleep!:):):)
Oh dear, that is you jiggered then!
And M leaves right now?
Oh dear again.:):):):):)
So she's left you, nearly literally, "holding the babies"
enjoy them while you can.
and try to get some sleep!:):):)

M has gone for a second opinion on her eye work from last year, all is good:). flight back later:D.

I wont lose any sleep, but am sure she will visit mum with a bowl of cream soonest;).

M doesn't do legs and arms, she does 4 legs and furry ears, I get half of that:D.

She did ask if I was proud:confused: it wasnt me!!!!ffs:rolleyes:.

Just heard, through UK4UA that the bloke is genuine.:):)
Only trouble is, he is in GWENT!!!!!:eek:
I won't be "dropping it off" there!
Do hope we can sort something out.:(

Do you ever do anything easy;)

Or is it complications always come your way:D.

Tell him to come pick it up in france (after he has paid of course) the legalities are up to him of course:rolleyes:

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