Went choppin yesdi. Fings moved about. Items spaced oot a bit to hide the gaps. Got me roses some new biggerer pots. Got me eye on some biggerer ones fer future plants. Ordered meself some router bits smornin. Toolstation av got the trend depf guage on 15% discount. Ordered one ov them anorl. And some wet un dry 1200 sand paper. Pickup ont way to wuk smornin.
Morning All :D
Very chilly and misty here and 8° :)
Chiro's later, then shopping.
It has all taken a turn for the worse for my lad, "She" wants 50% of the equity and the house sold.
Asked, well where will the children live then? She has no real answer, and just repeats her mantra I want to be free. :(
I don't think she's thinking straight there's 2 small kiddies who will be devastated and confused about why they will be going into care because she doesn't care.
My boy is very low, all he wants is the kids safe and secure and as happy as they can be.
Anyway enough of my family's troubles, you all have a good day. :)
Morning All :D
Very chilly and misty here and 8° :)
Chiro's later, then shopping.
It has all taken a turn for the worse for my lad, "She" wants 50% of the equity and the house sold.
Asked, well where will the children live then? She has no real answer, and just repeats her mantra I want to be free. :(
I don't think she's thinking straight there's 2 small kiddies who will be devastated and confused about why they will be going into care because she doesn't care.
My boy is very low, all he wants is the kids safe and secure and as happy as they can be.
Anyway enough of my family's troubles, you all have a good day. :)

If it were the other way round she'd have the kids and house till they reached eighteen. And your son would be paying a large wedge from his salary every month to support them. Must work both ways surely.
All best wishes to him and yours..
Last edited:
Morning All :D
Very chilly and misty here and 8° :)
Chiro's later, then shopping.
It has all taken a turn for the worse for my lad, "She" wants 50% of the equity and the house sold.
Asked, well where will the children live then? She has no real answer, and just repeats her mantra I want to be free. :(
I don't think she's thinking straight there's 2 small kiddies who will be devastated and confused about why they will be going into care because she doesn't care.
My boy is very low, all he wants is the kids safe and secure and as happy as they can be.
Anyway enough of my family's troubles, you all have a good day. :)
So sad.
"Wants to be free" Free for what, another bloke?
Get the feeling she doesn't care about the kids at all, maybe they will be in the way in her new relationship, if she has one.
Unless there is a good reason such as infidelity, cruelty etc a "quickie" divorce isn't even as quick as it used to be.
A couple could just tell a judge that had already been living apart, even in the same house, for two years and they could get it within a few weeks but now it seems this isn't even possible in under a few months.
New divorce law only comes in 6th April, maybe she knows that and is thus gearing up for it?
But it won't be any quicker apparently.
Poor kids.
Wonder if she has a job?
@DanClarke soooo sorry for you mate.
And your son, and the kids.:(:(:(
Thanks :)
Yes she has a job as an "assistant" in a Co-Op supermarket.
How she thinks 16 hours at this and "benefits" this will provide a better life for her and the kids than my son and his 55K job does I am not sure.
Yes, she's gone "off-piste" and is "in love" with a work colleague. :rolleyes:
It seems a lot of her attitude is driven by "spite".
She is unpredictable and violent, a real head-case.
I am wondering if my son can go for total custody of the sprogs.
Thanks :)
Yes she has a job as an "assistant" in a Co-Op supermarket.
How she thinks 16 hours at this and "benefits" this will provide a better life for her and the kids than my son and his 55K job does I am not sure.
Yes, she's gone "off-piste" and is "in love" with a work colleague. :rolleyes:
It seems a lot of her attitude is driven by "spite".
She is unpredictable and violent, a real head-case.
I am wondering if my son can go for total custody of the sprogs.
If he can prove violence and nuttiness, then maybe he'll get custody. And he should get her for infidelity,
His "spite" or her's?:(;) all this would be grist to the mill if it is hers and I cannot see it being his. The judge will want to feel he is ordering custody to the place where the kids will be at no, or least, risk. Are the kids both of school age? hope so, Best of luck on that.

My ex and I argued about the value of the house when we had to sell it, it was in 1991 and at the time house prices were falling. I wanted to buy her out. Maybe foolishly I gave her an amount based on a higher value than it really had, just to get things done.
Looking back on it I would have told her, if she wasn't going to take a sensible valuation of the house, to let it go to auction.
Then I could have bought her out much cheaper! Still managed it, but only just, 100% mortgage an all that.:eek: (We both had new partners by then.)

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