Well mad flurry of activity here.
Two blokes wanting to come down and see the trailer, one at 9:30 from Warminster, tother from Lunnen.
I told them both that as it was just the first evening of the ad they would have to bring the full price money and in cash.
Warminster bloke says he can't get the cash for that time of the morn would I take a bank transfer?
I said yes, I can run you to my building soc 5 minutes away and you could do it there and then.
suddenly it got "too complicated"
Tothern thought I was winding him up cos I told him about the other bloke, (before he dropped out) and said "I don't want you needlessly driving miles, but I could email you straight away if the other bloke changes his mind."
He said "I don't think you are too serious"
So I sent him pics of the trailer in its unwashed state, as he asked, plus a screen shot of Mr Warminster's message, to prove I wasn't on the wind-up.
Now he's gone quiet too.
We shall see!!
How do you deal with all this @kevstar cos I ain't too hot on all of it!!!
I've always found con artists want you to do stuff in a hurry.
Seems it still applies!;)
Still, telling them I want to pay the dosh over the counter in my BSoc in front of them should sort the wheat from the chaff. :rolleyes:
The one from Lunnen even wanted me to send him my address and post code. :rolleyes:
Not until you are on the road matey!
They can't just hitch it up and drive it away.
Not without moving a Discovery with no battery, removing a Denver boot and a hitch lock. :rolleyes:
My mate with the Stutz, or technically Stutzes, came and saw me today.
Turns out he has got 4 engines for them.
They need work building the engines so he went to a specialist I would have trusted in Poole, was well fooked off to hear him say how awful they have got, so he has been to a place near Winchester feckin miles away, to find someone serious. Wot a pain.
There used to be a couple of old boys in Ferndown you could trust with anything, they've retired sadly.
It is so hard to find this sort of old school bloke now.:(:(:(
Anyway Stutz-man is talking about doing a fabric body!
Now that will be fun.:):):)
He already has to make an ash frame for it, but he has done two of those before for a pair of Jag SS1s in the past.
He's the bloke who is the builderer. He says prices are rising so fast he absolutely cannot quote anyone at the mo.:rolleyes::mad:
In fact he has an electrician working on his new place now and he is paying him by spending time in Devon at a place he owns doing builderin work.
Barter, in this day and age!!!
Well mad flurry of activity here.
Two blokes wanting to come down and see the trailer, one at 9:30 from Warminster, tother from Lunnen.
I told them both that as it was just the first evening of the ad they would have to bring the full price money and in cash.
Warminster bloke says he can't get the cash for that time of the morn would I take a bank transfer?
I said yes, I can run you to my building soc 5 minutes away and you could do it there and then.
suddenly it got "too complicated"
Tothern thought I was winding him up cos I told him about the other bloke, (before he dropped out) and said "I don't want you needlessly driving miles, but I could email you straight away if the other bloke changes his mind."
He said "I don't think you are too serious"
So I sent him pics of the trailer in its unwashed state, as he asked, plus a screen shot of Mr Warminster's message, to prove I wasn't on the wind-up.
Now he's gone quiet too.
We shall see!!
How do you deal with all this @kevstar cos I ain't too hot on all of it!!!

I send peeps the postcode for a local shop & meet them there, if they turn up they will call you when
they are there, these days loads of people will just transfer the funds from there phone as its so easy
I take the reg no's & take a sneaky pic or vid of them. Sometimes its a hassle I dont hang about waiting
on anyone either.
I send peeps the postcode for a local shop & meet them there, if they turn up they will call you when
they are there, these days loads of people will just transfer the funds from there phone as its so easy
I take the reg no's & take a sneaky pic or vid of them. Sometimes its a hassle I dont hang about waiting
on anyone either.
Thanks for this info mate, sounds like a good plan, I can even think of a good shop on it's own so no messin and close by so I can keep an eye out for a vehicle capable of towin a trailer like mine.
I had already planned on the car numbers and using CCTV for their faces etc.
But I think if I stress the need to pay the dosh directly into my B soc, it;ll sort out the scrotes from the rest. It has already sent one running.
Morning all ...

Damperer than yesterdi, might burn off quicker but I doubt it ...

This was my early evening chore ...

hard day for the wee one ...
A lovely sunny morning 'ere. :)
Went to put the dogs in the car yesterday and the tailgate wouldn't open :eek: so that problem has to be sorted out this morning - my gardener (a mechanical engineer by trade) is coming at 9am to see if he can help, failing that it is a 100 mile trip to the stealer as I can't do without it.:(.
I hope your day goes well and that everyone gets their fair share of this lovely sunshine.:)
Morning All :D
Off to a big garden centre today as herself has delusions of grandeur. ;)
Apparently the £40 ea. mock box-hedging evergreen balls in the £36 tubs around the door are no longer good enough and we must spend a lot of money on Cypress trees that will die/get blown over instead.
Hey-Ho! if it makes her happy that's fine. :)
I shall spend more on "toys" for me in the workshop to balance things up. :D
Have a good day. :D
I had this but it kept blowing my wig off.....:eek:

An morning all. :):)

View attachment 261620
My problem, being baldish, is getting a sunburned pate, so a baseball hat, ....... yes I know:rolleyes:.
And I have to wear it the wrong way round else it gets blown off!
Yes, I feckin know, AGAIN.
A chav I am not!!
And no I can't be fecked to put factor 2k on me bonce. Always in too much of a hurry.
In frogland I even have to wear one just walking around but at least there are lots of similarly glabrate blokes around who wear hats and caps of various types. And I can at least wear it the right way round. ;)
Morning all!
Re the hat and open top car thing....
I also sweat most from my head.
This is a total pain as it rinses out any suncream I put on it and It runs into my eyes.
This stings and if it has suncream in it it stings even more!
So I actually wear a big bandana when working, and change it every hour or so. :rolleyes:
I suppose I could wear one when driving or being driven in the Pluriel with the top aff.:rolleyes: (Or is it "tap off"?
But I don't think I can pull the Pirates of the Caribbean thing off!!

Anyway the activity re the trailer has not picked up over night.
i think they were both scammers and I put them off.
The "stats" on Gumtree showed none of the 36 "views" were down to a "search"
Not sure exactly but this makes me feel neither of them were actually looking for a trailer. Unless there is someway of setting up a notification type thing. I'll have to research this.
Anyway I am going to start a thread and ask advice on how to avoid being scammed altho @kevstar has already put me further down the right track. :):)
So feeling a bit deflated now.:(

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