...that i am feckin knackered!:(:(:(
din't get started too early today but then emptied the trailer, and left the stuff in piles so Wifey could agree where it was all going to be moved to.
Big sack truck and cement mixer to the greenhouse.
Other stuff to the loft, that'll be a squeeze!
Rest to the dump or charity shop!
I had tried to keep a lid on what was stored in it, thank God!
But still took me an hour and a quarter.
Then started to clean it!
Big trailer, big job. It has been left under a tree for the past few years!
Started with the long tube brush and bucket, the sort that pumps water and detergent up to the brush with each up-down movement. It shifted some dirt, but not enough.
So I dug out my pressure washer, used precisely once before!
It is noisy and slow!! cleaning a trailer with a blast about a pencil wide. 12' by 6.5' times two, then 6' by 6.5' times two, that's a big surface area to clean with a pencil!
It was better than tother thing but had the disadvantage of lifting paint off the aluminum panels wherever there was a stone chip on the front panel :mad::mad::mad:. so did the front back and one side, took ages! and didn't clean everything off.
So turned to a plastic pan scrub and a kitchen cleaning spray gun thing with a bit of bleach in. That worked extremely well. why did I ever bother with the flicking pressure washer!:mad::mad::mad:
Still got one side to do, but took pics, inside and out, and put them on the ad.
Got another punter interested now. Cross fingers!:)
Sad to see the old girl go really, she has served us well and is tied up with all the happy memories of taking stuff to France.:(
And when empty she is huge, even has an echo!:)
EDIT: to say nothing of the stuff I had to find room for in my garage, like three trolley jacks, one of which is a feck off big n heavy three tonner!
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More lane driving today up to an old house in the middle of fields to get some slates
was fun taking a trailer all up hill too making the landy work haha 2 passengers said I wouldnt
make it :D
It eventually dawned on us that having to come back for the wedding has one advantage!
We'll be able to bring twice as much wine over this year.

But why does dottir have to go the whole 9 yards with this, her second wedding.:rolleyes:
She's always been like this.90 peeps sitting down at the reception in a marquee etc etc.
Charity shops is gettin expensive.
Wifey saw a two decanter tantalus in one for £90 odd!
We only paid £45 for ours in the auction.;)
Mind you this was in Wimborne.

(Where they all live up their own asses!)
Used to be a market town with county types in it.
Has now become a trendy place where the peeps who can afford to live there want to be "county" but still like their town stuff. So shops have gone to be replaced with "cocktail" bars.
(I put that in quotes cos it seems no one can make a proper cocktail anymore. We had an hour to kill the other day in Wimborne so went into a pub. There was a cocktail menu which actually contained the recipes. I'd have been ashamed to have ever put all that sh!t in one glass!)
(and we all know what happens if you buy a car off one!!! (@kevstar :mad::mad::mad:)!!!

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