A busy morning here at Wimblowdriver Towers. Dug a hole and planted a plastic tube for the rotary clothes line for SWMBO. Then went to get a galleon of petrol (£9-48 shock horror). Drained the stale fuel from the lawn mower, cleaned the spark plug and checked the oil, filled the fuel tank and cut the grass for the first cut of the year. Got bollocked of SWMBO for walking through the house with grass clippings stuck to me boots. Put the rest of the galleon in me bike tank as need to wake the beast up this week. Rest of the day in front of the telly box I reckon.
Put the new wheel on the project push bike and give it a good clean ready for a new home. All works like it should, but is a bit tatty, ain't likely to get me money back but hey ho.

Tried to fire up the DZR, reckon I'll be ridin more what wif fool costs anorl.
Click. Nuffink. No click. No click. Click. Nuffink.
Battery is good. Tried shorting the relay. Nuffink.
Tapped the starter motor case the brushes is fooked. Nuffink.
Have started wif a noo relay, only 12 sovs.
If that's a bust then noo starter is only 45.

Tratter MOT a week tommorow. Had a nice run down to Highcliffe Castle yesdi.
Woulda bin nicerer were it not for the hurry up twunts gerrin too close up the rear an spoiling my vibes (man). Lovely old series in the car park there, they'd just taken the roof oft that mornin cuzza the sunnyness. Pale grey / blue / bare loominerum.
Not done anyfink today. Just watched telly and had several naps. This mornin me bobbin ignored me as he was at the bottom ov me garden. I walked down and back to get his attendtion but no good. At lunch time he was int tree by where eye feed im, high up churpin. Eye put me wurms down. He continued churpin. I then tendid to put more wurms down and he flew down to eat. Then flowed oft down me garden into the next garden. Eye fink his little one was int there.

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