Went oot to water edgar yesdi yesdi and there wur a number ov ladyburds on him. This seems to be the norm these days. Eye fink he finds creatures interestin. Not sure iffits because e's lonely when am norrbowt. Not sure if they is the same ones each day. They all look the same to me. Anyways they seem to sit between his spikes to hold on. Eye noticed two at the top next to each uvva. Then eye realeye's ones moving. Then eye realeye's eye is witnessin er rape. The victim wur upside doon, trapped between several spikes. Purpertrayter was taking advantage ov da stuck one. So eye got me door key un seperatid them. Then levered oot the stuck one. Then eye notice er black one wotchin. Worra bastid. So eye flicked im oft.
Yer ladybirds is using Edgar as their dogging site :eek:
Just gorroot the baff. Gottid the winda open to get rid ov da condensayshun oft da wall tiles. When thats done eye is oft to bed. Had a lot ov rain this week. Emptied two watta butts. Me grass is soaked. Full ov moss anorl. Eye will rake it wiv me nu rake before first cut. Me mower has agreed to hoover up said moss. Eye will put some aside for me burds to build nests.
One ov me pink rose flowers was bad when it opened up. One arf dint look good. Eye pulled it oft as the strucshuns said to do that when the flowers die. Eye hopes eye aint upset it. Supposed to make it grow betterer.

Eye was int bnq yesdi looking at the flowers. Eye is finkin ov buying eyersinff's next. Blue ones.
Where yer bin?
We got up to have noo neighbours knocking on the door.
"Have you seen our cat?"
It has a habit of getting into places, most recently one of our kit cars whose tarp has ripped to shreds.
I replaced it yessdi so we were all worried it might be in there. (Well not me as I knew it wouldn't be, I'm not that fick!)
Anyway we heard a mewing coming from the garage. Even though only the back door to it was open, it had been open all day.
So it eventually came out.
Wish they'd keep the little fecker a bit close by.
Either they or the cat is a bit thick. Or both.
They told us they have put in a cat flap at the back but the stoopid thing will spend hours outside the front door mewing to be let in.
Think they need that dog trainer bloke to go round and see um.:(

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