Just to say that I spent most of today, that's yessdi now, trying to source stuff to change the cambelt on Wifey's Pluriel.
As it's been fecking raining I didn't want to have to get out there, jack it up, take the offside wheel off then the under wheel arch cover off to see exactly which aux belt tensioner it needed etc etc. There are so many variations.:mad:
Total pain in the bum.
I have asked on the Citroen forum but they take ages to reply and every post has to be checked out by a mod.:rolleyes:
not saying they aren't useful, they have been and, as on here, there are some bods who really know their stuff.
But a Pluriel is a rare car now.
Wifey spent most of the day in bed as she had a recurrence of a weird thing. Sweating like mad but not due to a temperature, plus nose running like a tap and stomach pains. She's a bit better now and yes she did a Covid test and again it came up negative. Wish we could get to the bottom of what causes it.:(:(:(

Sleep tite folks.
It'll be the teacosy from your photo :D

Hope she's betterer soon
Morning All :D
4-degrees here this morning, cool and a bit damp.
Got caught out yesterday and had the "Three Degrees". :(
I was quietly assembling the new welding cart in my workshop when she opens the door.
"Oh, there you are, what's that?"
A welding cart dear.
"But your welder is mounted up on that shelf".
Ahhh, this is for the other welder.
"What other welder".
The one I have down in my shed.
"When did you get that then?"
So basically, I've been rumbled. :(
Have a great day.:D
Morning All :D
4-degrees here this morning, cool and a bit damp.
Got caught out yesterday and had the "Three Degrees". :(
I was quietly assembling the new welding cart in my workshop when she opens the door.
"Oh, there you are, what's that?"
A welding cart dear.
"But your welder is mounted up on that shelf".
Ahhh, this is for the other welder.
"What other welder".
The one I have down in my shed.
"When did you get that then?"
So basically, I've been rumbled. :(
Have a great day.:D

My misses doesnt mind what I buy as usually something else will be traded or sold
im quite lucky that way as long as the bills are paid. :)
Got a couple of flurries of snow, misses insurance have been on the phone waiting on a call
after they speak to there locksmith, the car might have to go to bmw mini to get it sorted.
Surely if we have one key without the transponder all thats needed is another transponder
then program it to the car.
Just done a tip run. Took an old dining table wot I got fed up with half way through restoring it, several garage junk things that might have come in useful one day but didn't, a rickety B&D workmate 42 years old (I remember buying it) which was always in the way, and a few old cans of paint & a can of sump oil. :cool:
It'll be the teacosy from your photo :D

Hope she's betterer soon
Well today ain't started very well, Wifey was not around much yessdi to remind me it is(was) Thursday, so I forgot to put the bins out. This bin (landfill) hasn't been put out now for a month as last time it was due to go out was the day after we left for Christmas, so the rubbish then was a fortnight's worth!
My fault obvs for not knowing what day it was. Since retiring I only ever seem to know when it's Sunday.
So it'll be yet another fortnight before it is emptied!:rolleyes::eek:
Wifey went down to break up a dogfight this a.m., very rare in fact never normally happens.
Turned out one of them had "mined" a delivery of dog-treats in a sealed box delivered from Wilko. We p!ssed ourselves laughing!
Waitrose delivered a bit back.
W is better today, well a bit.
Weather dull and damp.
Have a nice fridy folks.
Morning All :D
4-degrees here this morning, cool and a bit damp.
Got caught out yesterday and had the "Three Degrees". :(
I was quietly assembling the new welding cart in my workshop when she opens the door.
"Oh, there you are, what's that?"
A welding cart dear.
"But your welder is mounted up on that shelf".
Ahhh, this is for the other welder.
"What other welder".
The one I have down in my shed.
"When did you get that then?"
So basically, I've been rumbled. :(
Have a great day.:D
Quack quack ooops!!:(:(:(

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