How very dare you bwana!
I promise i will still send money for your sick relative and money for your visa to come and stay with us.

Fer some time eye has been nagged by sainsberrys un nectar to download the nectar app. Eye fort it wur advertysin cr*p so ignored em. Bowt er year ago or bit longer they reduced the number ov vowchairs yer gettid from the till fer money oft or additional nectar points, that give yer money oft yer choppin bill. Sometimes the till dunt av paper so yer lose oot. Da robbin bastids. They send em int post anorl.

Well eye has now gottid the nectar app un found all me vowchairs. They want ter send em via the app. Yer gerra emayul un havf ter click ont 'get me vowchairs' or summink like that. Takes yer to the app un yer click each one ter save it. Then yer can use it.

Eye only did this as when eye bin choppin wiv me zappa eye has noticed price discounts wiv nectar listid against it. They int the normal discounts ont shelf price. They is special un is dated limited. So eye dunt hafyer manually zap fings eye only buy if cheep, ter see if the discount be there but hidden. Ffs why dint they just tell me all this. Am scared ov fings frew the post that say stand ont this ere trap door un yer can win prizes. Kin bastids.

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