It gets better she had both keys on the same ring not missing its lost :(
If there were originally two keys on the same ring and now there is only one, maybe she took the other one off and put it "somewhere safe". If she lost one, on the same ring, she'd have lost both surely?
You may still find it.
Thinking caps on time, maybe!;)
Yes the mini.. your probably right about the cost. :eek:
We were talking about getting her a new car yesterday.
A new car? All fecking ready? After you went to all the trouble wiv the number plate and all?
Mind you, maybe she has been shopping in it too many times and already found out how hard it is to stow stuff away in it!
I had two colleagues who had one each and they kept complaining about that. :eek::(
Less than a month after I retired I had a letter asking if I was interested in returning. :rolleyes: I treated the letter with the respect it deserved and watched it getting loaded onto the council bin lorry. That was almost 22 years ago and I heard no more. :):)
I tended to rock the boat too much, I was a perpetual thorn in the side of management as I had a bad habit of asking questions in large forums that they didn't want to answer.
For instance the Head at the time swore that the only reason he was supporting the school going grant maintained was because he wanted to maintain the pyramid.
Eventually at a full staff meeting he announced to us that we were about to go grant maintained, but the pyramid could not be guaranteed.
Of course I asked him why we were going grant maintained then? And reminded him of his promise.
He said he had no recollection of his promise.
The atmosphere could be cut with a knife. No one on the staff wanted to go grant maintained, but the chairman of governors did. He was a power hungry tw@t. And he had (cowed) the Head under his thumb.
Ex-colleagues tell me the school is not the same since I left and stopped being there to ask awkward questions.
They'd never take me back!;););)
If there were originally two keys on the same ring and now there is only one, maybe she took the other one off and put it "somewhere safe". If she lost one, on the same ring, she'd have lost both surely?
You may still find it.
Thinking caps on time, maybe!;)

A new car? All fecking ready? After you went to all the trouble wiv the number plate and all?
Mind you, maybe she has been shopping in it too many times and already found out how hard it is to stow stuff away in it!
I had two colleagues who had one each and they kept complaining about that. :eek::(

She said both keys were on the ring but cant remember if they were both on it when she went to
the shops, she was in Drymen for lunch & galivanting so who knows. :confused:
Just to say that I spent most of today, that's yessdi now, trying to source stuff to change the cambelt on Wifey's Pluriel.
As it's been fecking raining I didn't want to have to get out there, jack it up, take the offside wheel off then the under wheel arch cover off to see exactly which aux belt tensioner it needed etc etc. There are so many variations.:mad:
Total pain in the bum.
I have asked on the Citroen forum but they take ages to reply and every post has to be checked out by a mod.:rolleyes:
not saying they aren't useful, they have been and, as on here, there are some bods who really know their stuff.
But a Pluriel is a rare car now.
Wifey spent most of the day in bed as she had a recurrence of a weird thing. Sweating like mad but not due to a temperature, plus nose running like a tap and stomach pains. She's a bit better now and yes she did a Covid test and again it came up negative. Wish we could get to the bottom of what causes it.:(:(:(

Sleep tite folks.
Happy Friday boys and girls ...


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