Tis lashing down here arnol, had 2 missed calls from my artilect looking for money he's a fkn nob
end too. He's put the wrong type of doors on the plans for the garage & the wrong profile on the roof.
Sick of him :mad:
My mate/ex s-i-l doesn't have a good word for architects. He has quite a few stories of their idiocy, like one who designed an upper floor where the doors would have all had to open through the roof, etc.
Am I right in thinking that planning are insisting you have an archifeck?
They are all p!ssing in the same pot by the sounds of things.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
The misses is away shopping, dropped her car key and its fell to bits now shes flapping cause it
fell apart when she started the car & it cut out. Trying to eggsplain how to put it back together over
the phone put some tape round it. Shes in halfrauds wots the bets they sell her some tape or will they
find some in the store & tape the key up for her.....
Fingers crossed!;););)
My mate/ex s-i-l doesn't have a good word for architects. He has quite a few stories of their idiocy, like one who designed an upper floor where the doors would have all had to open through the roof, etc.
Am I right in thinking that planning are insisting you have an archifeck?
They are all p!ssing in the same pot by the sounds of things.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

That figures :rolleyes: Yes they advised as they would know what design & materials would be needed.
I knew better than him fkn twatt, wish id done it myself now.

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