But here-in lies the problem and why we needed to get out of the EU. France/the French/the French Gov't have always wanted THEIR WAY, always been fcuking difficult and ALWAYS been beyond the point of greedy when it comes to residency taxation. Ultimately, French Gov't taxation has always screwed those non-French living in France and it will never change.

I'm looking at retiring/wanting to retire to France [French Alpes] but am really struggling with their taxation system and know they will fcuk me over at the first chance/first slip up I make. Really the French are incredibly stupid...they would gain far greater non-French resident tax receipts if they eased off their draconian laws. Here, they hide under the immoveable "Napoleonic law", which of course has nothing to do with Napoleon...it's that b'stard of a fellow De Gaulle, his subsequent inceptuals and their innate hatred of open minded British liberalism. The Frogs call this Socialism, when in reality they are the least of "social..." a Gov't and only social when it's to their national advantage [read increased tax revenue].

I wish you luck, Stanley...

I just might p!ss off to Switzerland and get charged 10% flat on everything ;)

If I actually understood most of that I would comment;)

Most of Europe do a 183 day rule for tax where UK don’t (and never did even when in the EU). Yes part of the reason You will see our location. Come and try it:) bring the landy:D.


Notable traditional wassailing songs include "Here We Come a-Wassailing", "Gloucestershire Wassail", and "Gower Wassail".
It was initially used in the sense of 'hail' or 'farewell'. Later it developed into the first part of a drinking formula "wassail...drinkhail". And by c. 1300, the sense had extended to the drink itself, especially to the spiced ale used in Twelfth-night.
The wassail is celebrated on Twelfth Night, either 5th or 6th January.

The feast of kings is traditionally when the Spanish kids get their Christmas presents! and they are still on holiday.
So eSpanish kids living here get fecked off!!
As do my (ex-) colleagues from eSpain.;)

Must remind Wifey of our need for a good old Wassail.
Just reminded her so I have permission for a little wassail, she won't be bothering.
She is now joking about me wassailing up the stairs and into bed!
Wot happens if you dont get a visa an just go is the fine cheaper & less hassle :D
Just going isn't really the issue, although even if you go for less than 90 days, as of about May you'll need to buy a £7 odd visa.
The problem is if you outstay the 90 days, on exit they will look at the stamp in your passport and then declare you an illegal alien and you will/could be denied the right of entry again.
Which would be a huge problem. :(:(:(
Don't you just hate the feeling of an invisible hand gripping you by the balls?
I do.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Mines do that as well :confused: I mainly use a folding rule & its always in my work troosers :)
I like using one of them too, but it's box wood a 1 metre jobbie and most of what I do seems to be either over 1 metre or end up right on the join where I can't make out the markings on the brass. But it does sit nicely in the long pocket on my work troos. Much harder to lose!
I was clearing out a 40ft container in the yard today & found some goodies :D
About 2 years ago I sold one of the lads transom brackets for an outboard for his new boat...
I will pay you on friday but friday pay day didnt come :rolleyes: so 100 quid down which I left as I
knew at some point he would be back for somit, as I was clearing out I found a box full of
new boat bits opened it only to find my water trap off my spray gun which he borrowed, I know
its mine as I painted my 90 with it & its still got blue over spray on it. Then it clicked the box of bits are
his & has since been sacked. I will of course tell him when I see him thanks for the bits. lol :D
So you done it again!:):):)
Karma is sweet!:):):)
I had to tell another mate to use a water trap before he started spraying his Beauford. ;)
Wonder how many others don't use one and get disappointed with the results!!!?:eek:
Mind you, as paints nowadays seem to be water based dunno if it would matter.:rolleyes:
You can tell the last time I sprayed was with celly!!!:D
So you done it again!:):):)
Karma is sweet!:):):)
I had to tell another mate to use a water trap before he started spraying his Beauford. ;)
Wonder how many others don't use one and get disappointed with the results!!!?:eek:
Mind you, as paints nowadays seem to be water based dunno if it would matter.:rolleyes:
You can tell the last time I sprayed was with celly!!!:D

Ive always used celly paints, scared in case it washes off with our rainfall :eek::D
Twin singles how cosy :D Puppy is a she & wee cracker its been hard trying to get pics
she jumps about like a spring lamb haha settled in well but is trying to get a feed from our
older girl so she runs away.
She's are tougher so well done. :):):)
Bit surprised she is still trying to get feeds off your other one.
We have bought several female pups and our adults are females too, so wondering how they went about weaning. She was 8 weeks wasn't she when you picked her up?
We wean ours with a mix of baby food and goat's milk then introduce raw, low fat mince. Wifey knows more accurately what we fed them and when, I just did as I was told. But I used to have to race home from work every lunchtime to feed them the mince when she was at work! Until they were properly weaned.
I expect all is fine, but if you want to chat about it Wifey will be up and only too willing to chat about it tomoz!
Don't mean to be teaching grandma to suck eggs!;);)

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