Forgot to say I finished early today cause the roofing repairs I was doing has just turned into
a full new slate roof & see if we can salvage the dorma plus sash n case windows, tis a listed building.
The house is a total mess & its the first time ive ever came across a wooden lintel above a window :confused:

A weeks work has just got me busy for bit.
Listed oh that just means money for customer:(. What listing number (don’t know the Scottish system) sash replacements:eek:. UPVC:rolleyes:
Yep seen wooden lintels:).


Upvc round here no chance with Scottish heritage, we can make noo windys thats not an problem. ;)
Ah so you've seen wooden lintels thats good news, you can poke a pencil through it :eek:
Found another lintel split n half with a bit crack up to the 2nd floor window sill.
Thats just for starters.
Upvc round here no chance with Scottish heritage, we can make noo windys thats not an problem. ;)
Ah so you've seen wooden lintels thats good news, you can poke a pencil through it :eek:
Found another lintel split n half with a bit crack up to the 2nd floor window sill.
Thats just for starters.
Reeely sure you want this money pit of a job?
Have you seen the punter's bank statements?
Can ee afford it all?
Reeely sure you want this money pit of a job?
Have you seen the punter's bank statements?
Can ee afford it all?

I know the chap yes I worked with him about 10 years ago building a BOAT ;)
You would like him he restores classic cars & had done a load for some famous peeps too
He had a garage now he is winding down & only doing it on a smaller scale. He has some
nice cars too including a series one landy. :cool:
We also have a lickle Crispus tree that we brings in an decorates each year, he is getting a little bit bigger every year. He's about 2' now.
Is this really that rare?:confused:
Fink so. Few buy live tree's and plant them to keep. I would think plastic trees are the most popular followed by dieing ones wiv da roots cut oft. Bastids. Be careful of taking yours inside. Edgar says the heat is too much ferrim.
Fink so. Few buy live tree's and plant them to keep. I would think plastic trees are the most popular followed by dieing ones wiv da roots cut oft. Bastids. Be careful of taking yours inside. Edgar says the heat is too much ferrim.
ee's neva insyde fur long! He moves a lickle bit furva tuward the dur evry night wen we iz ashleep. We teks the int evnchually!:)
ee's neva insyde fur long! He moves a lickle bit furva tuward the dur evry night wen we iz ashleep. We teks the int evnchually!:)
Ours was a lucky boy 'cos we bought him when we had to spend three months living in our caravan when a house buy/sell didn't coincide nd he spent his first crismus sitting on the 'van drawbar enjoying all his twinkling lights. After twelf night his lights were put to bed and he stayed put. In March he was planted in our new garden and 'e said 'e was very happy to leave 'is pot. That's probably why he grew so well. :)
Forgot to say I finished early today cause the roofing repairs I was doing has just turned into
a full new slate roof & see if we can salvage the dorma plus sash n case windows, tis a listed building.
The house is a total mess & its the first time ive ever came across a wooden lintel above a window :confused:

A weeks work has just got me busy for bit.
My cassul has some woodern lintels. Steel ont inner wall and wood ont outer wall.
...that I was watching an old Wheeler Dealers last night.
and Ant Asstead referred to the Crown wheel as a "ring gear", three times.:rolleyes:
Could he be right? Ring gear to me sits on the outside of the flywheel.:confused:
Thort he knew what he was doing and most of the time I think he does.:confused:
Bleddy Telly you never know what to believe.:(
...that I was watching an old Wheeler Dealers last night.
and Ant Asstead referred to the Crown wheel as a "ring gear", three times.:rolleyes:
Could he be right? Ring gear to me sits on the outside of the flywheel.:confused:
Thort he knew what he was doing and most of the time I think he does.:confused:
Bleddy Telly you never know what to believe.:(

Ive heard other peeps calling the crown wheel a ring gear or planet gear.
To me a ring gear is off a flywheel. :)
Ive heard other peeps calling the crown wheel a ring gear or planet gear.
To me a ring gear is off a flywheel. :)
Then you and I are right and the rest of em are wrong.:):):)
"Planet wheel"? FFS. that can only exist where there is a corresponding sun wheel, like in an auto box or a preselect.
A ring gear sits outside summat not on it. Forming a "ring" around it.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
The world is full of ignoramuses. Or "ignorami" if you are a Roman!!!

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