A bright, clear, frosty morning has dawned. Looks lovely.

The past few days have been quite amusing here. I volunteered to provide the leccy and the lights for a giant village straw snowman built by the farm families grandkids on the verge outside my property, they wanted to add some crismus cheer to the hamlet . Every day for the last week about six of the teenagers have been trying to set up a mechanical timer to get the lights to only come on in the dark - it has been a real challenge for them to set it so I have just left them to figure it out by themselves. Eventually, I think, they have cracked it! They seem to have discovered the need to set the clock to the actual time as well as the bit that tells them when to have them on and when to have them off! I doubt they will make the same mistake again.

Enjoy your Sunday whatever has been planned for you.:)
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Morning All :D
Dull damp and dreary (the weather, not my under-crackers). :)
Slept in because..... a case of CBA to get up.
G-kids incoming because their mother cannot possibly shop for their xmas stocking stuff while they are at school on her days off, so we have to have them while they both go shopping. :(
Have a lovely day. :)

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