Having a bad day:oops:
I’m fine… slid down a hill backwards. Well they have a bigger gate way now.(off to get a new indicator lens)
Guid late morn
been for the weekly shop
Wee bit of maintenance on Defender, rear discs seem bit rusty fronts are shiny bright after run
Nearside rear wheel off removed pads seem ok gave them a clean with sand paper
put medium grit between pad and disc and rotated wheel a few times cleaned up a treat.
Depressed brake pedal and wheel locked So pistons seen OK
Off to gym shortly will do offside after lunch
Oh and its almost taps aff a balmy 9 degrees here and not a breath of wind (well maybe after lunch if I have beans !)
Morning All :D
Herself's doing the morning shoppin/paper-getting and posting stuff for her Ma. :)
I am having a coffee and contemplating how awful it is going to be lying on my stomach arms outstretched undoing pump-nuts and avoiding a flood.
I think there's isolating valves either side of the pump but in my experience they never ever work properly when new, let alone after 31 years :(
Hey-ho. I will also need to let the system cool down (nothing worse than trying to hold a hot pump).
Have a good day, I shall report on my success/failure later. :)
Good luck with it all mate. sincerely do feel your pain and wish you all the best!:):):)
Afternoon folks:).

Well that's another days work done, ish;).
Its gonna be a homemade soup and fresh homemade bread at tea time. So now have to sit and be teased by the smell of bread baking:eek::D.
Its cold but still no white stuff on the ground although can see a little on the hills, the fire has been getting lit earlier last couple of days:).

Thinking of doing some online shopping, Now where's that list of "I need":eek::D.

....that the pump has been replaced. :)
It took a lot of uncomfortable minutes lying on the floor with my arms at full-stretch and a lot of Anglo-Saxon invective to undo the pump-nuts.
As anticipated the gate/isolating valves either side of the pump were about as useful as tea-strainers in stopping water flow.
A full system drain-down ensued. Pump out, new one in (cannot even hear the new one running) :)
But! the boiler popped its overheat cut-out on first firing up. I have switched the immersion on to overcome the "boiler priority" and also told the CH controls to make no H/W only CH.
Checked for leaks and none-so-far. :) Added a litre of corrosion inhibitor/anti-knock during the re-fill. :)
Waiting for the heating to actually get to all the radiators. ATM only a few are getting warm (TRV's on the rest and its a mild day).
I think we are OK though. :D

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